Versionen im Vergleich


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Starting with LCOS FX 10.10REL, local configuration changes on a LANCOM R&S® Unified Firewall can be saved as add-in scripts.

Quickly and easily multiply your ideal configuration from one Unified Firewall to any number of Unified Firewalls managed by the LANCOM Management Cloud (LMC). Using the new add-in generator, you can easily generate entire add-ins or individual add-in sections from the audit log of an initially configured Unified Firewall. This document describes how to use the Add-In Generator.


  • LANCOM R&S® Unified Firewall with LCOS LX as of  version 10.10REL (download)
  • LMC project and LMC access (chargeable)

  • Local Unified Firewall Configuration


1. Open the audit log in the configuration of the Unifed Firewall in the menu Monitoring & Statistics → Logs → Audit Log.

2. In the audit log, the configuration can be exported in three possible ways.

2.1 Export → Export for LMC import: Outputs the entire audit log as a "*.json file". This file can then be imported into the LMC.

2.2 Export → Copy script to Clipboard: Places the entire audit log as a script on the clipboard. The content of the clipboard can then be copied manually into an LMC add-in.

2.3 LMC button next to code extracts: Copies a configuration item to the clipboard.

  • Depending on the export method chosen, the script can be imported into the LMC or copied into an existing add-in.

  • If method 2.3 was used, the following lines must be added manually in an add-in:

const fwVersion = context.device.firmwareVersionObject;
const ufApi = config.getUfApi();