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1.2) Activate LTA:

1.2.1) In the Security  menumenu, go to the the LANCOM Trusted Access tab and click the Activate LTA slider.


  • Accessible network: From the drop-down menu, select the network edited in step 1.1 that the LTA client should log in to (in this example INTRANET).
  • Gateway IP or domain: Enter the public IP address or DNS name of the router where the LTA client can reach the router (in this example
  • Trusted Access Client IP network: Enter the network address of a network in CIDR (Classless Inter Domain Routing) notation. The LTA client is assigned an IP address from this network (in this example In most cases the Accessible network is used for this, but it is also possible to specify a different network.
  • Tunneled domains for DNS resolution: Enter Domains which should always be transmitted via the VPN tunnel (in this example *.intern).


1.5.1) Go to the User administration tab and enable the option LMC-managed. Then click Copy text next to the  TXT resource record field. Enter this as the TXT resource record into in the account of your DynDNS provider for the domain.
