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To enable communication in other networks, the automatically created firewall rules must be set with the correct routing tags. This is done has to be implemented by an addAdd-in script.

This article describes how to use an addAdd-in to enable an LTA user to communicate with other networks and to allow the same gateway to be used for both Internet and LTA access.



  • INTRANET: Network address, VLAN untagged, routing tag 1
  • Intranet2: Network address, VLAN 10, routing Routing tag 10, name Name of the LTA connection target NETWORK10
  • Intranet3: Network address, VLAN 20, routing Routing tag 20, name Name of the LTA connection target NETWORK20


2.2) Switch to the tab Detail configuration and click on Rollout configuration (preview) to display the configuration components automatically created by the LMC.

2.3) In the Detail configuration, go to the menu Firewall/QoS → IPv4 Rules → Rule table.


3.1) In the LMC, go to the menu Add-ins and click the addAdd-in imported in Step 1 to open it in the Add-in Editor.



Then check the rollout configuration in the two firewall rules (see Step 2) to see whether the addAdd-in set the parameters correctly.
