Versionen im Vergleich


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The Add-in developer mode integrated in the LANCOM Management Cloud can help you with creating Add-in scripts.

1) In the LMC switch to the menu item Devices.

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2) Click on the desired device to gain access to the extended device settings.

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3) Change to the tab Detail configuration and ckick on Config actions → Enable Add-in developer mode.


You can display and copy the OID paths to the different parameters by hovering over the copy buttons right next to the config fields with the mouse. 

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4) The developer mode also enables you to create whole scripts if needed. 

For this purpose modify the configuration according to your needs. Click on the button Show changes afterwards.

If you don't want to retain the configuration changes, you can also discard the changes and copy the Add-in code (see step 5). 

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5) The current table (in this example the IPv4 routing table) including the changes made are displayed in the following window as Add-in code (in Add-in format as well as in JSON format). You can then copy this code for further use.


In most cases the code is only needed in Add-in format.

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