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A SIEM system (Security Information and Event Management) serves to recognize threats in the network in real time and take appropriate countermeasures. For this purpose, the SIEM system gathers logs from network components and analyzes these.


  • Your LANCOM Unified Firewall must be managed by the LMC 
    • The Unified Firewall must be assigned to a site 
    • The Unified Firewall must be assigned the role Gateway
  • Access to the LMC to update and roll out the configuration of the Unified Unified Firewall
  • LCOS FX as of version 10.13 Rel (download latest version)
  • Configured and functional SIEM system

The SIEM implementation in the LMC has been successfully tested with the following SIEM systems:

  • Microsoft Sentinel
  • Splunk
  • Enginsight
  • Wazuh
  • Logpoint


1) Activate SIEM support in the LMC:



You can find the SIEM API documentation (swagger) under the following link:
