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You can find the Project ID in the LMC menu Management → Properties.

Reading out the project ID in the LMC ManagementImage Modified

2) Provide IDPS messages from the Unified Firewall for the SIEM system:



As of december 2024 only IDPS alerts are provided. Support for additional logs will be added in future LMC and LCOS FX versions.

Unified Firewall status Outdated in the LMCImage Modified

Roll out the configuration to the Unified Firewall via the LMCImage Modified

2.2) Connect to the Unified Firewall via the WEBconfig tunnel in the LMC and check in the menu Monitoring & Statistics → Settings, if the additional column LMC was rolled out and if the option is active for IDPS Alert.

Image Modified

3) Generate a SIEM API Secret in the LMC:

3.1) In the LMC go to the menu Project specifications → External services → SIEM and click on Create API Secret Key.

Create a SIEM API Secret Key in the LMCImage Modified

3.2) Copy the Secret Key and save it in a secure location. Enter the Secret Key in your SIEM system afterwards.

Copy the SIEM API Secret KeyImage Modified

4) Example commands in the SIEM API:
