Versionen im Vergleich


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  • Exchange Mode: From the drop-down menu, select IKEv2.
  • PFS Group: From the drop-down menu, select DH14 (modp2048).

LANCOM Systems recommends to use the PFS group DH15 (modp3072). For this purpose DH15 must also be active in the encryption profile DEFAULT on the router (VPN → IKEv2/IPSec →  Encryption). As of LCOS 10.70 DH15 is active by default. In existing installations as well as in older firmware versions DH15 must be activated manually.

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Selection of exchange mode and PFS group in the profile wizard

5.8) Authentication via EAP-OTP cannot be configured in the wizard, so this must be done manually at a later stage. Click Next without making changes. 
