Versionen im Vergleich


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Due to new features completely new menus as well as new columns for existing menus are implemented in new firmware versions. The changes have been factored in and are converted during a firmware upgrade, so that the correct functionality is stiill given. If a firmware downgrade to an older LCOS version is conducted afterwards (e.g. 10.40 Rel to 10.32 RU10), the conversion isn't reversed and it may happen that some configuration components don't work correctly anymore.

In diesem Artikel wird die empfohlene Vorgehensweise bei einem Firmware-Downgrade beschrieben, mit der die korrekte Funktion weiterhin gewährleistet istThis article describes the recommended procedure for a firmware downgrade which ensures the correct functionality.


When downgrading the firmware within an LCOS version (e.g. 10.32 RU10 to 10.32 RU8) the configuration back doesn't have to be uploaded.
