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In the case of Allowed VLANs, you can also specify non-contiguous ports by separating them with a comma (e.g. 1,3,5). You can also specify contiguous and non-contiguous ports in the same entry (e.g. 1,3,5-10).


In Only the case of Allowed VLANs  only the VLANs actually used must be entered for the Allowed VLANs, as otherwise this can lead to a dramatically increased CPU load of the switch. 


3) In the field Allowed Access VLANs enter all VLAN - IDs, which are used by ports with the tagging mode Access (in this example the VLAN-IDs 1-3). 


In the case of Allowed Access VLANs, you can also specify non-contiguous ports by separating them with a comma (e.g. 1,3,5). You can also specify contiguous and non-contiguous ports in the same entry (e.g. 1,3,5-10).


In the case of Allowed Access VLANs only Only VLAN IDs which are assigned to a port with the tagging mode Access must be entered for the Allowed Access VLANs, as otherwise this can lead to a dramatically increased CPU load of the switch. 
