Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


1.2) The first step is to create a Certification Authority (CA) for VPN connections.

  • For the Certificate type, select Certificate.
  • Certificate Authority must be selected as the template.
  • Enter any Common Name
  • In the drop-down menu "Type" of the window displayed at top left, select the option "CA for VPN/Webserver certificates".
  • In the field "Private key size", select the value 4096 bit.
  • Enter a common name of your choice (e.g. VPN_CA).
  • Assign any private key password.
  • Set a Validity validity period.Set any Private Key Password
  • You can leave the settings Encryption Algorithm, Key Size and Hash Algorithm in the default.

1.3) Then click the Create button.


1.4) Click on the "+" icon to create a VPN certificate for the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client:

  • For the Certificate type, select Certificate.
  • Certificate must be selected as the template.
  • In the Private key password field, enter the password that you assigned in step 1.2.
  • Set a validity period.
  • Select the VPN CA from step 1.2 as the "Signing CA".
  • In the CA password field, enter the password that you assigned
  • In the drop-down menu "Type" of the window displayed at top left, select the option "VPN certificate".
  • Set the "Signing CA" to the VPN_CA from step 1.2.
  • In the field "Private key size", select the value 4096 bit.
  • Enter a common name of your choice (e.g."VPN_LANCOM_CLIENT").
  • Set a Validity period.
  • In the fields CA Password and Private Key Password, enter the password set in step 1.2.
  • You can leave the settings Encryption Algorithm, Key Size and Hash Algorithm in the default.

1.5) Then click the Create button.


1.6) Click on the "+" icon to create a certificate for the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client:

  • For the Certificate type, select Certificate.
  • Certificate must be selected as the template.
  • In the Private key password field, enter the password that you assigned in step 1.2.
  • Set a validity period.
  • Select the VPN
  • In the drop-down menu "Type" of the window displayed at top left, select the option "VPN certificate".
  • Set the "Signing CA" to the VPN_ CA from step 1.2 as the "Signing CA".
  • In the CA password field "Private key size", select the value 4096 bit.
  • Enter a common name of your choice (e.g."VPN_UNIFIED_FIREWALL").
  • Set a Validity period.
  • enter the password that you assigned in step 1.2.
  • You can leave the settings Encryption Algorithm, Key Size and Hash Algorithm in the default.
  • In the fields CA Password and Private Key Password, enter the password set in step 1.2.


  • Authentication type: Select the option Certificate here.
  • Local certificate: Here you select the VPN certificate created for the Unified Firewall in step 1.6.
  • Private Key Password: Enter the password assigned in step 1.6.
  • Remote certificate: Here you select the VPN certificate here created for the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client in step 1.4.


2.13) Change to the menu VPN → IPsec → Connections and, on the newly created Advanced VPN Client connection, click on the Export connection button.

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2.14) Enter a password to be used to encrypt the exported ZIP archive.


3.1) Change to the menu Certificate Management → Certificates and, for the VPN certificate for the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client, click the Export button.

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3.2) Set that PKCS 12 format.
