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This article describes how to use the protocol filter so that the only network users allowed to communicate on the network are those who obtained an IP address via DHCP (“mandatory DHCP”).


In a WLAN controller scenario the protocol filter configuration can be rolled out to the access points via a partial script. The procedure is described in the Knowledge Base article Centralized script management with LANCOM WLAN controllers. Please use the attached script file.

View file


  • Name: Enter a descriptive name (in this example ALLOW_ARP).
  • Protocol: Enter the value 0806. This stands for ARP.
  • DHCP assigned IP: Check that the value is set to Irrelevant.
  • Interface list: Here you select the WLAN interfaces that the protocol filter is to operate on.
  • Action: Select Pass packets.


  • Name: Enter a descriptive name (in this example ALLOW_DHCP).
  • Protocol: Enter the value 0800. This stands for IPv4.
  • Subtype: Enter the value 17. This stands for UDP.
  • First port: Enter port 67.
  • Last port: Enter port 68.
  • DHCP assigned IP: Check that the value is set to Irrelevant.
  • Interface list: Here you select the WLAN interfaces that the protocol filter is to operate on.
  • Action: Select Pass packets.


  • Name: Enter a descriptive name (in this example ALLOW_DHCP_ONLY).
  • Protocol: Enter the value 0800. This stands for IPv4.
  • DHCP assigned IP: Select Yes from the drop-down menu. This checks whether the Wi-Fi user has obtained an IP address via DHCP (DHCP tracking). If this is the case, the packet is transmitted. 
  • Interface list: Here you select the WLAN interfaces that the protocol filter is to operate on.
  • Action: Select Pass packets.
