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  • LCOS as of v 10.50 RU2 (download)
  • LANtools as of version 10.50 (download)
  • Fiber-optic connection from Deutsche Telekom
  • LANCOM SFP-GPON-1 Module
  • LANCOM router or Unified Firewall with SFP interface (please see the module data sheet regarding supported LANCOM devices)


Optional:  Setup with ONT installation ID (old installation method)


If an existing modem is replaced, a so-called "Rediscover" must be executed by the Telekom, so that the new GPON module works resp. is recognized!

If your fiber-optic connection requires an ONT installation ID or a GPON password to be configured, you can do this in LANconfig. You can obtain the GPON password from Deutsche Telekom customer service using the contact details in the fiber-optic setup link (“Glasfasereinrichtungslink”).
