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This scenario also includes the “parallel” solution as described in this article.


The setups for scenarios 1 and 2 are basically the same. For scenario 2, you additionally have to set up port forwarding on the upstream router.


1.6) Change to the tab Advanced, select the option Use Service Specific Settings and set a checkmark for Enable DMZ / port forwarding for this service. Click OK afterwards.


If you have several multiple public IP addresses which are configured in the Unified Firewall, you can specify one of the addresses under External IP address. Port forwarding only takes effect when this IP address is contacted. This setting is only practicable for scenario 1.

If the port forwarding should be directed to a different port, you can specify this under Destination port. For example, access from the Internet on port 443 can be forwarded internally by the Unified Firewall to port 6443. Note that you have to store an object that arrives at the Unified Firewall from the outside and that contains the service/port. This can then be converted to the value under Destination port. In the opposite case (converting port 6443 to port 443), a user-defined object has to be set up with port forwarding for port 6443. The Destination port entry then forwards this to port 443. This setting can be used for scenarios 1 and 2.
