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  • LCOS as of version 10.42 or LCOS LX as of version 5.30 (download current version)
  • Access to the LANCOM Management Cloud (subject to charge)
  • Web browser



You can also set up this scenario if your gateway router is aware of the hotspot network but is not a LANCOM router and is not managed by the LMC. In this case you need to activate the option “The hotspot gateway is not “For the hotspot network no router (gateway) is managed by the LMC” in the Advanced settings.

  • With this option enabled, the hotspot data traffic is forwarded to the configured VLAN. Third-party devices have to be configured so that they can handle this VLAN.

4) At this point you can save the settings of the hotspot network.

Image RemovedImage Added

5) The remainder of the configuration areas are for optional adjustments to the appearance and functionality.

  • If, for example, you want access to the hotspot network to require password authentication, change the function in the Authentication area to Password and assign a global password for to accessing the hotspot.
  • If you want to use voucher authentication, select the option provided. For a description of the configuration, see this Knowledge Base article.
  • It is not possible to use separate access credentials for individual users.
  • Users accessing the system are automatically logged off after 24 hours, after which they need to authenticate againYou can define the time after which a user is automatically logged out of the hotspot.

6) Save your settings.

7) In the Switches section you specify the switch ports used to carry the new hotspot network. The selected ports are shown in the color of the hotspot network.
