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If your Internet provider assigns you an additional public IP address range it usually is a separate IP range which is not adjacent to the existing address range. The existing Internet remote site can be used for the additional IP address range. Although However the IP addresses have to be entered in the router configuration and the handling of ARP requests has to be modified.


  • LCOS as of version 9.24 (download aktuelle Versionlatest version)
  • SSH client for accessing the CLI (e.g. PuTTY)
  • Any web browser for accessing WEBconfig (optional)
  • Configured and functional Internet connection (Plain - Ethernet) with several discontiguous IP address ranges


The IP addresses can be configured in the following IP-Adressen können an den folgenden Stellen bekanntgegeben werdenmenu items:

2) Allow ARP requests from any network:

The upstream provider router Der vorgeschaltete Provider-Router wird bei der Kommunikation in dem separaten Adress-Bereich die ARP-Requests mit einer entsprechenden Absende-Adresse versehen. Da dieses Netzwerk aber nicht lokal anliegt (keine Internet-Gegenstelle mit entsprechendem Adressbereich), werden diese Pakete vom Router verworfen. Damit der Router auf ARP-Requests aus dem separaten Adress-Bereich reagiert, muss die Behandlung von ARP-Requests von nicht lokalen Netzwerken angepasst werden router will send ARP requests from the separate IP address range with a corresponding source address. As this network isn't known to the router (no remote site with matching IP address range), the ARP packets will be discarded. In order for the router to accept ARP requests from a separate IP address range the handling of ARP requests from non local networks has to be modified (Non-Loc.-ARP-Replies).  

Connect to the CLI of the router via SSH and enter the following commandVerbinden Sie sich per SSH mit der Konsole des Routers und geben den folgenden Befehl ein:

set Setup/TCP-IP/Non-Loc.-ARP-Replies yes


Alternativ können Sie die Anpassung auch per WEBconfig in dem Pfad As an alternative you can also change this setting in WEBconfig in the menu (Extras →) LCOS -Menübaum Menu Tree → Setup → TCP-IP → NichtlokNon-Loc.-ARP-Replies vornehmen.