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  • Switch to the Devices menu and roll out the configuration to all devices with a configuration status shown as “Outdated” since configuring the hotspot. This may take some time depending on the number of devices involved.

LMC Webconfig Devices MenuImage Modified

12) This concludes the configuration of the cloud-managed hotspot. Your Wi-Fi will now broadcast a new SSID with the name of your hotspot network. As soon as you connect to this SSID, you will be asked to login to the network.


3) Activate the option Redirect user after login and enter the address to which the user is to be forwarded after successful login in the Redirect URL field.

4) Then click on Save.

Network Advanced Settings MenuImage Modified

5) The change must now be rolled out to all devices in your local network (see step 11).


4) Save your settings and roll out the new configuration to your devices (see step 11).

LMC Webconfig Networks MenuImage Modified

Use application management to control the applications and/or protocols allowed on the hotspot:


4) After making your selection, click Create rule.

LMC Webconfig Networks Application Management SettingsImage Modified

5) Save your settings and roll out the new configuration to your devices (see step 11).

LMC Image Modified