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Die für die Unified Firewall Add-ins benötigten API-Parameter können wie folgt ausgelesen werden:

  1. Verbinden Sie sich mit dem Webinterface der Unified Firewall.
  2. Öffnen Sie die Entwickler-Werkzeuge in Ihrem Web-Browser (in der Regel F12) und wechseln in der Unified Firewall in das Menü Netzwerk.
  3. Führen Sie die gewünschte Konfigurations-Änderung durch und zeichnen dies mit den Entwickler-Werkzeugen auf.
  4. Kopieren Sie den Payload der Anfrage mit dem Status 201.

API für Unified Firewall Add-ins

Das Einbinden der API als Variable vereinfacht den Aufruf der folgenden Methoden

The required parameters of the API for UF Add-ins can be read out as follows:

  1. Log in to the web interface of the LANCOM R&S Unified Firewall.
  2. Open the Developer Tools in your browser (usually F12) and switch to the Network tab.
  3. Perform desired configuration locally and record it in Dev-Tools.
  4. Copy payload from request with status 201.

API for UF Add-ins

Including the API as a variable to simplify calls to the following methods.

var ufApi = config.getUfApi();

LANCOM R&S Unified Firewall configurations consist of entities and singletonsDie Konfiguration einer Unified Firewall besteht aus Entities und Singletons.

  • Entities: Entities are configurations where multiple entries can be made (e.g. network-connectionssind Konfigurations-Parameter, bei denen mehrere Einträge erstellt werden können (Z.B. Netzwerk-Verbindungen).

  • Singletons: A singleton is a configuration that exists only once in the Unfied firewall (e.g. device name).

Methods of the API for UF
  • Ein Singleton ist ein Konfigurations-Parameter, der nur einmal in der Unified Firewall existiert (z.B. der Geräte-Name).

API-Methode für Unified Firewall Add-ins

  • ufAPI.raw: Raw API Requests are the general way how the API for UF Add-ins can be addressed. Various methods can be used to create, edit and delete configurations. Furthermore, it is possible to query configuration values.API-Anfragen für Unified Firewalls werden im RAW-Format addressiert. Verschiedene Methoden können verwendet werden, um Konfigurations-Parameter zu erstellen, zu editieren und zu löschen. Weiterhin ist es möglich, Werte von Konfigurations-Parametern anzufragen.

    • BeispielExample:ufAPI.raw({ method: PUT|POST|GET|DELETE , uri: URI, body: { key: value, key: value, key: value }, failOnError: true|false })
Auxiliary methods


The following methods simplify RAW requestsDie folgenden Methoden erleichtern Anfragen im RAW-Format:

ufAPI.lookup/ufAPI.lookupField: Verschiedene Anfragen erfordern erfordern die Verwendung einer UUID oder eines Namens-Feldes in der Konfiguration.

  • Die Methode ufAPI.lookup kann verwendet werden, um die UUID für benötigte Parameter abzurufen (z.B. Ethernet-Interfaces).

    Various requests require the query of a UUID or a name field in the firewall configuration. The ufAPI.lookup method can be used to retrieve the UUID for required parameters (for example, Ethernet interfaces).
    • Example:







      Parameters that do not have a UUID (e.g. routing table) are queried with the 

  • Parameter, welche keine UUID haben (z.B. die Routing-Tabelle), werden mit der Methode ufAPI.lookup.Field



    • ExampleBeispiel: ufAPI.lookupField("Singleton",







Die Methode ufAPI.createObject

method is used to configure entities (e.g. network connections

wird verwendet, um Entities zu konfigurieren (z.B. Netzwerk-Verbindungen).

    • Beispiel:
    •  ufAPI.createObject("Entity",
    • {
    • key:
    • value,
    • key:
    • value,
    • key:
    • value
    • });



  • Die Methode ufAPI.modifyObject
method can be used to edit configurations of entities (e.g. network connections).Example:
  • kann verwendet werden, um die Konfiguration von Entities anzupassen (z.B. Netzwerk-Verbindungen).
    • Beispiel
    • ufAPI.modifyObject("Entity",
    • ufAPI.lookup,
    • {
    • key:
    • value,
    • key:
    • value,
    • key:
    • value

To customize singletons (e.g. firewall device name), the ufAPI.ModifySettings method is used.

    • });
  • Um ein Singleton anzupassen (z.B. der Geräte-Name der Unified Firewall), wird die MethodeufAPI.ModifySettings verwendet.

    • Beispiel
    • ufAPI.modifySettings("Singleton",
    • {
    • key:
    • value
    • });


The required parameters of the API for UF Add-ins can be read out as follows:

  1. Log in to the web interface of the LANCOM R&S Unified Firewall.
  2. Open the Developer Tools in your browser (usually F12) and switch to the menu Network tab.
  3. Perform the desired configuration locally and record it in Dev-Developer Tools.
  4. Copy the payload from request with status 201.

API for


Unified Firewall Add-ins

Including the API as a variable to simplify simplifies calls to the following methods.

var ufApi = config.getUfApi();

LANCOM R&S The configuration of a Unified Firewall configurations consist of entities and singletons.

  • Entities: Entities are configurations configuration parameters where multiple entries can be made (e.g. network-connections).

  • Singletons: A singleton is a configuration parameter that exists only once in the Unfied Unified firewall (e.g. device name).

Methods of the

API methods for


Unified Firewall Add-ins

ufAPI.raw: Raw API Requests are the general way how the API for UF Add-ins can be addressed. Various methods can be used to create, edit and delete configurations. Furthermore, it is possible to query configuration values.

  • Example: ufAPI.raw({ method: PUT|POST|GET|DELETE , uri: URI, body: { key: value, key: value, key: value }, failOnError: true|false })

Auxiliary methods:

The following methods simplify RAW requests:

ufAPI.lookup/ufAPI.lookupField: Various requests require the query of a UUID or a name field in the firewall configuration.

  • The ufAPI.lookup
method can
  • method can be used to retrieve the UUID for required parameters (
for example,
  • e.g. Ethernet interfaces).
    • Example:
    •  ufAPI.lookup("Entity",
    • {
    • key:
    • value
    • });
  • Parameters that do not have a UUID (e.g. routing table) are queried with the ufAPI.lookup.Field method.
    • Example:

    • ufAPI.lookupField("Singleton",

    • {

    • key:

    • value

    • });

ufAPI.createObject: The ufAPI.createObject method is used to configure entities (e.g. network connections).

    • Example:
    •  ufAPI.createObject("Entity",
    • {
    • key:
    • value,
    • key:
    • value,
    • key:
    • value
    • });


  • The ufAPI.modifyObject
method can
  • method can be used to edit configurations of entities (e.g. network connections).
    • Example:
    •  ufAPI.modifyObject("Entity",
    • ufAPI.lookup,
    • {
    • key:
    • value,
    • key:
    • value,
    • key:
    • value
    • })
  • To customize singletons (e.g. firewall device name), the ufAPI.ModifySettings
method is
  • method is used.
    • Example:
    •  ufAPI.modifySettings("Singleton",
    • {
    • key:
    • value
    • });