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The MAC address of the WLAN interface of the access point / WLAN router is displayed as BSSID.

Reading out the WLAN MAC address in Windows via cmdImage Modified

2) Calculating the LAN MAC address:

The LAN MAC address is calculated according to the following scheme.schemes. The calculation differs depending on the used access point model.

LW-600, LX-6200(E), LX-6400, LX-6402, OW-602:

.4 GHz
Frequency bandLAN MAC address ETH1LAN MAC address ETH2
,4 GHzWLAN MAC address minus 3WLAN MAC address minus 2
5 GHzWLAN MAC address minus 2WLAN MAC address minus 1

LX-6500(E), OX-6400, OX-6402:

- -
Frequency bandLAN MAC address ETH1LAN MAC address ETH2
2,4 GHzWLAN MAC address minus 2WLAN MAC address minus 3
5 GHzWLAN MAC address minus 1WLAN MAC address
minus 2
6 GHzWLAN MAC address
minus 3WLAN MAC address minus 4


An LX-6500 has the following MAC addresses:

ETH1ETH2WLAN-1 - 2.4 GHzWLAN-2 - 5 GHzWLAN-3 - 6 GHz
  • A notebook is connected to the access point via an LX-6500 via 5 GHz.
  • The access point in the In the 5 GHz band the access point has the the WLAN MAC address 00:a0:57:80:29:16.
  • This For ETH2, this results in the LAN MAC address 00:a0:57:80:29:14.


3) Connect to the access point via LL2M (optional):


When using LACP on the access point always the lowest MAC address is used für communication (depending on the model ETH1 or ETH2).

Using LL2M, it is possible to establish an SSH connection to the access point using the calculated LAN MAC address (command in the format ll2mexec -i<Interface><User> :<Password> @<MAC-i <Interface> <User>:<Password>@<MAC address>), which can be used to read out further information. This requires a separate router or access point from which to initiate the connection. Further information on LL2M can be found in the following Knowledge Base articles:


titleUseful information in the SSH session

The serial number of the access point is shown under SN.

The command ls status/ip-configuration/addresses reads out the IP address of the access point.

Connecting to an access point via LL2M and reading out its current IP addressImage Modified