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TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System) is a protocol for authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA) of users. It provides access to the network only for certain users (authentication), it regulates the permissions of those users (authorization) , and it logs user interactions (accounting) on the network. TACACS+ is an alternative to other AAA protocols such as RADIUS.


1.2) Enter the command to set the secret key in the format set Setup/TACACS+/Shared-Secret<SecretSecret <Secret-Key>. The secret key is used to authenticate the device on the TACACS+ server.


titleImportant TACACS+ parameters


The Fallback-to-local-users parameter controls whether the system falls back to the local users if the TACACS+ server(s) is(are) not reachable. In the default configuration, the fallback is allowed.


The parameter Authorization-Type controls whether each terminal command is authorized individually  individually (Commands) or whether access is fully authorized once only (Shell). In the default configuration, each terminal command is authorized individually.

2) Accessing and editing the device configuration:


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