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The Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) is a standardized protocol for bundling Ethernet-based connections. Combining individual links into a bundle not only increases the available throughput, but failover reliability and redundancy are improved as well.
This document describes the configuration of an LACP trunk between a LANCOM switch and a LANCOM access point. This configuration also works with a LANCOM router.
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LANCOM products suitable for operating LACP:
LANCOM access points:
  • LANCOM LN-86x
  • LANCOM LN-17xx
  • LANCOM L-1302
  • LANCOM L-1310
  • LANCOM LN-830acn
  • LANCOM L-822
  • LANCOM LN-830E
  • LANCOM L-452
  • LANCOM L-460
  • LANCOM OAP-830
  • LANCOM OAP-822
  • LANCOM IAP-822

LANCOM routers, WLCs, and central-site gateways:
  • LANCOM 7100+
  • LANCOM 9100+
  • LANCOM WLC-4006+
  • LANCOM WLC-4025+
  • LANCOM WLC-4100
  • LANCOM vRouter
  • LANCOM 1781A
  • LANCOM 1781AW
  • LANCOM 1781EF+
  • LANCOM 1781EW+
  • LANCOM 1781A-4G
  • LANCOM 1781-4G
  • LANCOM 1781VA
  • LANCOM 1781VAW
  • LANCOM 1781VA-4G
  • LANCOM 1783VAW
  • LANCOM 1783VA
  • LANCOM 1784VA
  • LANCOM 1783VA-4G
  • LANCOM 1780EW-4G(+)

1) Configuration steps on the LANCOM switch:
1.1) Use the configuration bar to navigate to the section Configuration
-> Aggregation -> LACP -> Configuration
→ Aggregation → LACP → Configuration.
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1.2) In the Configuration area, set a checkmark under LACP enabled for the ports you wish to bundle.
In this example, the LANCOM access point is already connected to the switch port 7 with a single cable.
The planned LACP bundle should therefore include this port along with an additional port, in this example port 8. Consequently the checkmarks should be set to LACP enabled for ports 7 and 8.
The settings for Key and Role can be left in their default settings for this application
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If more than one LACP trunk is used on the switch the option Specific has to be selected and a unique value has to be entered for each trunk under Key. In this example the ports 1 and 2 as well as 3 and 4 each form an LACP trunk, as the same value is assigned to the members of each group.

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1.3) Save your new settings with the Apply button.


In order for the settings to be saved as boot persistent, use the configuration bar to navigate to the section Maintenance

-> Save

→ Save/Restore

-> Save

→ Save Start and click the Save button in the configuration area.

2) Configuration steps for a LANCOM access point:

2.1) Open the device configuration with LANconfig.

2.2) Navigate to the section Interfaces

-> LAN

→ LAN.

2.3) Click the button LACP interfaces and select BUNDLE -1 from the pull-down menu.

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2.4) In the window that is now displayed, enable the LACP bundle with the Entry active switch.

  • Make sure that Interface A and Interface B are set with the correct Ethernet ports on the device.
  • Leave the MAC address at the preset default value (which corresponds to the MAC address of the device). For this application you can leave the settings on the Advanced tab at their default values.
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2.5) After setting up the LACP bundle, check whether the IP configuration still permits management access to the device.
Ensure that the IP network is either assigned to the currently activated bundle interface (here: BUNDLE-1) or that the bundle interface is a member of a bridge group that is assigned to the IP network:
  • IPv4:
    In this case, the INTRANET is assigned to BRG-1.
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  • IPv6:
    In this case too, the INTRANET is assigned to BRG-1.
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  • Bridge port configuration:
    The bundle interfaces are members of BRG-1.
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The settings shown here represent the default value for LANCOM access points. With the settings implemented exactly as illustrated here, the access point is by default accessible by means of IP via the LACP link.

When LACP is set up on a LANCOM router, by default the INTRANET is assigned to LAN-1. If the router is to be accessible by means of IP over the LACP link, the binding needs to be adjusted to the corresponding bundle interface, such as BUNDLE-1.

2.6) You can now write the configuration back to the device.

3) Commissioning the LACP bundle:
3.1) Use an additional Ethernet cable to connect the Ethernet ports selected above to the switch and the access point. The LACP bundle is now operational.
3.2) Check the status information on the switch to see if the LACP bundle has been initialized correctly.
To do this, go to the web interface for the switch and use the configuration bar to navigate to Configuration
-> Aggregation -> LACP -> System
→ Aggregation → LACP → System status.
Here you can see that the LACP bundle (Link Layer Aggregation Group) named LLAG1 is connected to the device designated by the partner system ID (in this case the MAC address), and it includes the switch ports 7 and 8.
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