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As of LCOS version 10.60 / 10.70, VPN rules for generating network relationships (SAs) configured in the IPv4 firewall of a LANCOM router are no longer supported.

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The option to create VPN rules for network relationships is replaced by the already existing configuration option of network rules in the menu VPN → General.

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The entries available in the respective rule lists can then be selected in the VPN connection profile:

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In the case of a later update to LCOS from version 10.60, existing VPN rules in the IPv4 firewall are automatically converted to the network rules, so that there is no need for any action on your part in advance.

Necessary modifications when uploading a script file created up to and including LCOS 10.50 into a router withs LCOS as of version 10.


60 / 10.70:

Up to and including LCOS 10.50, the parameter "VPN-Rule" is available, but is not available anymore as of LCOS 10.60 / 10.70. If a script file created up to and including LCOS 10.50 is uploaded into a router as of LCOS 10.60 / 10.70, this leads to an error. As a result the firewall rules are not applied.

In order for the firewall rules to be applied correctly, the script has to be edited manually and the parameter "VPN-Rule" has to be deleted.

Procedure for a script with path names:

Open the script in a text editor and jump to the path /Setup/IP-Router/Firewall/Rules via the search function. Then, for each firewall rule, delete the expression {VPN-Rule} No.

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Procedure for a script with SNMP OIDs:

Open the script in a text editor and jump to the path Setup/IP-Router/Firewall/Rules via the search function. Then, for each firewall rule, delete the expression {11} 0.

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