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Mit dem folgenden Add-in Skript können Sie Routen zur Konfiguration von LANCOM Geräten mit LCOS hinzufügen.

Liste der verwendeten Variablen:


Add-in Code:

 * @param {Config} config
 * @param {Context} context
 * Do not edit this comment or parameter types. Required for code suggestions

exports.main = function (config, context) {

Function to create VRRP Entry
 Funktion zum Anlegen von Routen
 addRoute = function
(routerID, routerIP, mainPrio, backupPrio, remoteSite, comment)
 (DestinationIP, IpMask, RtgTag, AdminDistance, PeerOrIP, Distance, Masquerade, Active, Comment) {
var table1_2_8_21_2 =
 var TableRouting = config.getTableByOid("1.2.8
.2"); // Setup/IP-Router/IP-Routing-Table
var table_1_2_8_21_2_row_1 = table1_2_8_21_2
 var TableRouting_row = TableRouting.createNewRow();
table_1_2_8_21_2_row_1.setByOid(1, routerID);
        table_1_2_8_21_2_row_1.setByOid(2, routerIP);
        table_1_2_8_21_2_row_1.setByOid(3, mainPrio);
        table_1_2_8_21_2_row_1.setByOid(4, backupPrio);
        table_1_2_8_21_2_row_1.setByOid(5, remoteSite);
        table_1_2_8_21_2_row_1.setByOid(6, comment);
    // If Statement to only create VRRP Entry, if device has the variable VRRP_Prio
    if (context.vars.VRRP_PRIO != "") {
        config.setScalarByOid("", "1");
        // Function Call to create a new Entry
        addVRRPEntry("1", "", context.vars.VRRP_PRIO, "0", "INTERNET", "");
 TableRouting_row.setByOid(1, DestinationIP);        //[1] IP-Address     : 15 chars from 1234567890.
        TableRouting_row.setByOid(2, IpMask);               //[2] IP-Netmask     : 15 chars from 1234567890.
        TableRouting_row.setByOid(8, RtgTag);               //[8] Rtg-tag        : 5 chars from 1234567890
        TableRouting_row.setByOid(9, AdminDistance);        //[9] Admin-Distance : 3 chars from 1234567890
        TableRouting_row.setByOid(3, PeerOrIP);             //[3] Peer-or-IP     : 21 chars from ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ@{|}~!$%&'()+-,/:;<=>?[\]^_.0123456789 (lower case characters are converted to upper case)
        TableRouting_row.setByOid(4, Distance);             //[4] Distance       : 2 chars from 1234567890
        TableRouting_row.setByOid(5, Masquerade);           //[5] Masquerade     : No (0), on (1), intranet (2)  - numbers has to be used
        TableRouting_row.setByOid(6, Active);               //[6] Active         : No (1), Yes (0), Semi (2)     - numbers has to be used
        TableRouting_row.setByOid(7, Comment);              //[7] Comment        : 64 chars from #ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ@{|}~!$%&'()*+-,/:;<=>?[\]^_.0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz `

    //Anlegen der Routen    
    addRoute("123.123.123", "", "0", "0", "INTERNET", "0", "1", "0", "Route xy");


Add-in als JSON-Datei:

View file




With the following Addin script you can add routes to the configuration of LANCOM devices using LCOS.

List of used ariables:


Add-in code:

 * @param {Config} config
 * @param {Context} context
 * Do not edit this comment or parameter types. Required for code suggestions

exports.main = function (config, context) {

Function to create VRRP Entry
 Funktion zum Anlegen von Routen
 addRoute = function
(routerID, routerIP, mainPrio, backupPrio, remoteSite, comment)
 (DestinationIP, IpMask, RtgTag, AdminDistance, PeerOrIP, Distance, Masquerade, Active, Comment) {
var table1_2_8_21_2 =
 var TableRouting = config.getTableByOid("1.2.8
.2"); // Setup/IP-Router/IP-Routing-Table
var table_1_2_8_21_2_row_1 = table1_2_8_21_2
 var TableRouting_row = TableRouting.createNewRow();
table_1_2_8_21_2_row_1.setByOid(1, routerID);
        table_1_2_8_21_2_row_1.setByOid(2, routerIP);
        table_1_2_8_21_2_row_1.setByOid(3, mainPrio);
        table_1_2_8_21_2_row_1.setByOid(4, backupPrio);
        table_1_2_8_21_2_row_1.setByOid(5, remoteSite);
        table_1_2_8_21_2_row_1.setByOid(6, comment);
    // If Statement to only create VRRP Entry, if device has the variable VRRP_Prio
    if (context.vars.VRRP_PRIO != "") {
        config.setScalarByOid("", "1");
        // Function Call to create a new Entry
        addVRRPEntry("1", "", context.vars.VRRP_PRIO, "0", "INTERNET", "");
 TableRouting_row.setByOid(1, DestinationIP);        //[1] IP-Address     : 15 chars from 1234567890.
        TableRouting_row.setByOid(2, IpMask);               //[2] IP-Netmask     : 15 chars from 1234567890.
        TableRouting_row.setByOid(8, RtgTag);               //[8] Rtg-tag        : 5 chars from 1234567890
        TableRouting_row.setByOid(9, AdminDistance);        //[9] Admin-Distance : 3 chars from 1234567890
        TableRouting_row.setByOid(3, PeerOrIP);             //[3] Peer-or-IP     : 21 chars from ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ@{|}~!$%&'()+-,/:;<=>?[\]^_.0123456789 (lower case characters are converted to upper case)
        TableRouting_row.setByOid(4, Distance);             //[4] Distance       : 2 chars from 1234567890
        TableRouting_row.setByOid(5, Masquerade);           //[5] Masquerade     : No (0), on (1), intranet (2)  - numbers has to be used
        TableRouting_row.setByOid(6, Active);               //[6] Active         : No (1), Yes (0), Semi (2)     - numbers has to be used
        TableRouting_row.setByOid(7, Comment);              //[7] Comment        : 64 chars from #ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ@{|}~!$%&'()*+-,/:;<=>?[\]^_.0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz `

    //Anlegen der Routen    
    addRoute("123.123.123", "", "0", "0", "INTERNET", "0", "1", "0", "Route xy");


Add-in as JSON file:

View file
