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This is where you create content-filter
In the menu Content Filter → Profiles you can create Content Filter profiles that you can then assign to
network devices or networks with an appropriate firewall rule.

Please note that you must make corresponding settings in the firewall in order to use the profiles in the LANCOM Content Filter.

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LANconfig: Content Filter → Profiles

WEBconfig: LCOS Menu Tree → Setup → UTM → Content-Filter →  Profiles → Profiles

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This is where you can create


Content Filter profiles that are used to check websites for undesirable content. A


Content Filter profile always has a name and, for various time periods, it activates the desired category profile and, optionally, a blacklist and a whitelist.

In order to provide different configurations for the various timeframes, several


Content Filter profile entries are created with the same name. The


Content Filter profile is thus made up of the sum of all entries with the same name.

The firewall refers to this


Content Filter profile.

  • Name
    The name of the profile entered here is referenced by the firewall, for example WORK.
    • Possible values: Name of a profile
    • default: empty
  • Timeframe
    Select the timeframe for this category profile and, optionally, the blacklist and the whitelist. The timeframes “ALWAYS” and “NEVER” are predefined. You can configure other timeframes under:
    • LANconfig: Date/time > General → Timeframes
    • WEBconfig: LCOS Menu Tree → Setup → Time > Timeframes
    • Possible values: ALWAYS, NEVER, name of a timeframe profile (default: empty)


If multiple entries are used for a content-filter profile and their timeframes overlap, then all pages contained in the active entries will be blocked for that period of time. If multiple entries are used for a content-filter profile and a time period remains undefined, access to all web sites will be unchecked for this period.

A profile can be entered into multiple rows, each with a different timeframe (also see

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  • Blacklisted
    Name of the blacklist profile that applies to this content-filter profile during this period. A new name can be entered, or an existing name can be selected from the blacklist table.
    • Possible values: Name of a blacklist profile, new name (default: empty)
  • Whitelisted
    Name of the whitelist profile that applies to this content-filter profile during this period. A new name can be entered, or an existing name can be selected from the whitelist table.
    • Possible values: Name of a whitelist profile, new name (default: empty)
  • Category profile
    Name of the category profile that applies to this content-filter profile during this period. A new name can be entered, or an existing name can be selected from the category table.
    • Possible values: Name of a category profile, new name (default: empty)
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Blacklist addresses (URL)
Here you can enter the websites which are to be prohibited.

Possible values: Valid URL address ( default: Blank)
The following wildcard characters may be used:

  • * for any combination of more than one character (e.g. www.lancom.* encompasses the web sites,,, etc.)
  • ? for any single character (e.g. www.lancom.e* finds the websites and

URLs must be entered without the leading http://. Please note that in the case of many URLs a forward slash is automatically added as a suffix to the URL, e.g. For this reason it is advisable to enter the URL as:*. Individual URLs are separated by a blank.

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Whitelist addresses (URL)

Here you can enter the websites which are to be checked locally and then accepted.
Possible values: Valid URL address (default: empty)
The following wildcard characters may be used:
  • * for any combination of more than one character (e.g. www.lancom.* encompasses the web sites,,, etc.)
  • ? for any single character (e.g. www.lancom.e* finds the websites and


URLs must be entered without the leading http://. Please note that in the case of many URLs a forward slash is automatically added as a suffix to the URL, e.g. For this reason it is advisable to enter the URL as:*. Individual URLs are separated by a blank.

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This is where you can create a category profile and give it a name (e.g. WORK_CATEGORIES). For each category profile, you determine the categories or groups that are to be used to evaluate the websites. You can allow or forbid the individual categories or activate the override function for each group.
The following 14 groups are available:
  • Pornography/Nudity
  • Shopping
  • Society/Education/Religion
  • Illegal Activities
  • Games/Gaming
  • Entertainment/Culture
  • Information/Communication
  • Information Technology
  • Drugs
  • Lifestyle
  • Finance/Investment
  • Medicine
  • Spam
  • Miscellaneous
The category profile must subsequently be assigned to a content-filter profile (together with a timeframe) to become active.
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