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A SIEM system (Security Information and Event Management) dient dazu, Bedrohungen im Netzwerk in Echtzeit zu erkennen und geeignete Gegenmaßnahmen zu ergreifen. Dazu sammelt das SIEM-System Logs von Netzwerk-Komponenten und wertet diese aus.serves to recognize threats in the network in real time and take appropriate countermeasures. For this purpose, the SIEM system gathers logs from network components and analyzes these.

This article describes how a SIEM system can be used with In diesem Artikel wird beschrieben, wie SIEM mit LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewalls in der the LMC verwendet werden kann.


  • Your LANCOM Unified Firewall must be managed by the LMC 
    • The Unified Firewall must be assigned to a site 
    • The Unified Firewall must be assigned the mode Gateway role Gateway
  • Access to the LMC to update and roll out the configuration of the Unified Unified Firewall
  • LCOS FX as of version 10.13 Rel (download latest version)
  • Configured and functional SIEM system

The SIEM implementation in the LMC has been successfully tested with the following SIEM systems:

  • Microsoft Sentinel
  • Splunk
  • Enginsight
  • Wazuh
  • Logpoint


1) Activate SIEM support in the LMC:



You can find the Project ID in the LMC menu Management → Properties.

Reading out the project ID in the LMC ManagementImage Modified

2) Provide IDPS messages of from the Unified Firewall for the SIEM system:

2.1) After activating SIEM support the Unified Firewall changes to the state Nicht aktuellstate Outdated. Roll out the configuration to the Unified Firewall, so that the IDPS alerts are provided.


As of december 2024 only IDPS alerts are provided. Support for additional logs will be added in future LMC and LCOS FX versions.

Image RemovedUnified Firewall status Outdated in the LMCImage Added

Image RemovedRoll out the configuration to the Unified Firewall via the LMCImage Added

2.2) Connect to the Unified Firewall via the WEBconfig tunnel in the LMC and check in the menu Monitoring & Statistics → Settings, if the additional column LMC was rolled out and if the option is activate for active for IDPS Alert.

Image Modified

3) Generate a SIEM API Secret in the LMC:

3.1) In the LMC go to the menu Project services specifications → External services → SIEM and click on Create API Secret Key.

Image RemovedCreate a SIEM API Secret Key in the LMCImage Added

3.2) Copy the Secret Key and save it in a secure location. Enter the Secret Key in your SIEM system afterwards.

Image RemovedCopy the SIEM API Secret KeyImage Added

4) Example commands in the SIEM API:


You can find the SIEM API documentation (swagger) under the following link:


titleThe command must be entered in the following format:
curl --request GET \
  --url<UUID of your LMC project>/logs \
  --header 'HTTP/1.1
Authorization: LMC-API-KEY <API Secret Key from(see step 3>' \3)>

title Example test query (without valid account data or Secret Key):
curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: LMC-API-KEY eyJraWQiOiIxIiwidHlwIjoiTE1DLUFQSS1LRVkiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.3zezFHKzCYJlCgh-3V1KN0yEe8lTUQEE75DXc-Vv2Dc._93wf35NVk8Q6yt7omWzyohTgW58424tQzRFIPgr111' \


With the endpoint Offsets you can read out the number of the first logfile and the next unread logfile as well as the offset limit for the specified account.

titleThe command must be entered in the following format:
curl --request GET \
--url<UUID of your LMC project>/offsets \
--header 'HTTP/1.1
Authorization: LMC-API-KEY <API Secret Key from(see step 3>' \3)>

title Example test query (without valid account data or Secret Key):
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: LMC-API-KEY eyJraWQiOiIxIiwidHlwIjoiTE1DLUFQSS1LRVkiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.3zezFHKzCYJlCgh-3V1KN0yEe8lTUQEE75DXc-Vv2Dc._93wf35NVk8Q6yt7omWzyohTgW58424tQzRFIP11111' \


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