Versionen im Vergleich


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5) Modify the following parameters and click Apply:

  • For Activate the option Snooping Enabled for the VLAN, where Multicast should be used, activate the option Snooping Enabled.
  • Make sure, that the option IGMP Querier is active in every VLAN, where Multicast should be used.



In order for IAPP messages (Inter Access Point Protocol) to be transmitted with active IGMP Snooping, the parameter Compatibility has to be set to the option Forced IGMPv3 for the respective VLAN. However it is not practical to always use this settiung setting as otherwise IGMPv1 and IGMPv2 packets messages would not be transmitted. Therefore the option Forced IGMPv3 should only beselected for a VLABVLAN, where access points have to exchange IAPP messages.
