Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


  • Link Aggregation + Spanning Tree → Possible and practical. 
  • Link Aggregation + StackingPossible and practical. Not possible
  • Link Aggregation + Loop Protection → Possible and practical. 


  • Spanning Tree + Link Aggregation → Possible and practical. 
  • Spanning Tree + Stacking Possible and practical. Not possible
  • Spanning Tree + Loop Protection → Possible, but impractical, as both features deactivate ports. Can lead to network problems.


  • Stacking  + Spanning Tree → Possible, but impractical, as path monitoring is already included in Stacking.
  • Stacking  + Link Aggregation Possible, but impractical, as Stack ports can be bundled.Not possible
  • Stacking  + Loop Protection → Possible, but impractical, as a loop is already prevented by Stacking.
