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This scenario requires a router with an integrated WLAN module.

If additional access points should be used to transmit the Wi-Fi for both networks, you will need to use VLAN. This scenario is described in this Knowledge Base article.


The configuration of both scenarios is basically very similar. In addition to the configuration of the WLAN module, scenario 2 merely requires the modification of a few interface assignments.


1.3) Go to the Port table menu.


As of LCOS 10.42 the Port table is located in the menu Interfaces → LAN → LAN bridge.

1.4) Make sure that the logical LAN interface assigned in step 1.2 (in this example LAN-2) is not assigned to a bridge group.


  • Make sure the checkmark is set for WLAN interface enabled.
  • Make sure that the WLAN operation modemode is set to Access point

2.3) Change to the menu Logical WLAN settings and select an unused logical WLAN interface (in this example, the WLAN network 2).
