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Uncheck the checkbox Obtain IP parameters automatically from the DHCP server in step 9 and enter the IP parameters manually (see Info box).


For an IPoE connection the LANCOM router only sees the connection to the upstream router. In order for the LANCOM router to recognize an outage of the Internet connection, an ICMP polling to one or multiple IP addresses has to be configured. The procedure is described in the following Knowledge Base article:

Mechanisms for monitoring lines and connections on LANCOM products

Fiber optic connection with IP address allocation via DHCP:


Leave the checkbox Obtain IP parameters automatically from the DHCP server in step 9 active active, so that the router obtains the its IP parameters via DHCP.


For an IPoE connection the LANCOM router only sees the connection to the upstream router. In order for the LANCOM router to recognize an outage of the Internet connection, an ICMP polling to one or multiple IP addresses has to be configured. The procedure is described in the following Knowledge Base article:

Mechanisms for monitoring lines and connections on LANCOM products