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After using the LANconfig Setup Wizard to configure a VPN client connection and importing the VPN profile *.ini file into a LANCOM Advanced VPN Client V3.0 for macOS, it may happen that clicking the Connect button fails to establish a VPN connection.
In most cases the cause is the parameter for the connection medium to be used. The Setup Wizard configures this parameter to the value “Automatic media detection”.
However, this feature is only supported by the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client for Windows, which in the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client V3.0 for macOS means that a VPN connection cannot be established.

1) Open the VPN profile file in a text editor.
2) In the [PROFILE] section, change the value ConnMedia=21 to ConnMedia=8.
This changes the value of the connection-medium parameter from “Automatic media detection” to “LAN/WLAN (over IP)”.
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3) Save the VPN profile file and import it into the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client V3.0 for macOS.
If the VPN profile file is no longer available to you, you will have to run the Setup Wizard in LANconfig to create a new VPN client connection. The LANCOM Advanced VPN Client for macOS has no facility for exporting a profile.