Versionen im Vergleich


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This document describes the different options for performing a firmware update for a LANCOM R&S®Unified firewall.


After a firmware upgrade to a new major release version (e.g. 10.4 to 10.5) the Admin Password for the webinterface as well as the Support Password for the CLI are reset and have to be set anew.  The new Admin Password must not be the same as the old one, whereas the new Support Password can be the same as the old one.

LANCOM Systems recommends to create a configuration backup before performing a firmware update.


  • LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewall with LCOS FX as of version 10


The easiest way to update the firmware is via the web configuration interface of the Unified Firewall.


To successfully carry out an online firmware update, it must be ensured that the Internet connection used provides at least a download bandwidth of 1MBit/s.

1.1 Open the Firewall → Updates Settings dialog.


You can start the search for a firmware update manually with the Update list Refresh Updates List button.

1.3 In order for the firmware update to be completed, the the Unified Firewall has to be restarted.


2.1 The implementation of a manual firmware update via * .iso configuration file is described in the following this Knowledge Base article.

Please note that with this update variant, the licensing of your Unified Firewall is first deleted after the transfer of new firmware and backup file. The device is then back in the 30-day test period!

To license the device again, you must import the license file that you received when you registered your license into the device again.

3. Firmware update via the LANCOM Management Cloud (LMC)

If you manage the Unified Firewall in the LANCOM Management Cloud, you can perform the firmware update in the Devices menu. To do this, select the Unified Firewall in the device list and choose Update firmware from the action menu. The Unified Firewall must be equipped with at least firmware version LCOS FX 10.8 REL.