Versionen im Vergleich


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  • Domain or IP address: Enter the public IP address or the DNS name where the server should be reachable. 
  • Connection: In the dropdown-menu select the Internet connection of the Unified Firewall.
  • Port: Enter the Port to be used for contacting the server from the Internet.
  • SSL: It is recommended to encrypt access from the Internet to the server. Therefore activate the option.
  • Certificate: In the dropdown-menu select the SSL certificate to be used for authentication. It has to be imported in the menu Certificate Management → CertificatesCertificates bef.

The SSL certificate has to be obtained from a public certification authority (CA) in order for any party to gain access to the server. The root certificate of known public certificate authorities is usually included in the certificate store of end devices.

Thus the certificate cannot be created on a Unified Firewall. In this case the certificate would have to be exported on the Unified Firewall and imported to the end device of each party, which should have access to the server.
