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The parameter -P 22 makes sure, that the port 22 is used for the SSH connection. If you are using another port it has to be modified accordingly. The parameter -P has to be capitalized.

If you omit the destination folder and only specify the file name (e.g. configuration.xml), the file is saved in the folder, from where PSCP is invoked. 

The configuration file of a GS-23xx series switch has to be saved as XML file.


2) Enter the command in the format pscp -P 22 pw <password> -scp <user name>@<IP address>:config C:\Temp\<file name>.lcfsx ein, um die Konfigurations Datei im Ordner to save the configuration file in the folder C:\Temp abzuspeichern.

In this example the command pscp -P 22 -pw Password123 -scp admin@ C:\Temp\configuration.lcfsx verwendet.



The parameter -P 22 makes sure, that the port 22 is used for the SSH connection. If you are using another port it has to be modified accordingly. The parameter -P has to be capitalized.

If you omit the destination folder and only specify the file name (e.g. configuration.lcfsx), the file is saved in the folder, from where PSCP is invoked. 

The configuration file of a GS-3xxx series switch has to be saved as lcfsx file.


2) Enter the command in the format pscp -P 22 pw <passwort> -scp <Benutzername>@<IP Adresse>:config C:\Temp\<Datei Name>.cfg ein, um die Konfigurations Datei im Ordner to save the configuration file in the folder C:\Temp abzuspeichern.

In this example the command pscp -P 22 -pw Test12345 -scp admin@ C:\Users\...\Documents\configuration.cfg verwendet.
