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The Add-in script only works with dual radio access points, as the P2P connection uses the logical interface P2P-2-1, which belongs to the second WiFi radio module.


An LMC project contains numerous LANCOM access points, two of which must now communicate via a Wi-Fi point-to-point link due to a change of premises. All of the devices are already fully integrated into the LMC.


17) Switch to the Networks menu and select the local network where you want to create the point-to-point link between the selected access points.


The access points must be located in this network

.The add-in may only be used for networks that are configured with “VLAN - untagged”. An add-in that allows the dynamic learning of the VLAN-ID is not yet available


18) On the Add-ins tab, add the script “P2P-Master” and the script “P2P-Slave”.
