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This article describes how Public Spot users are automatically deleted after account expiry, and how the user validity period can be reduced.


Automatic cleanup of the RADIUS user table:

LANCOM devices with the Public Spot support a maximum number of users (e.g. 128 users for LANCOM routers with Public Spot). Once this limit is reached, no further users can be created. For this reason, the users in the table must be deleted after expiry.

The user limit on the Public Spot for the various devices is listed in the product overview of the Public Spot Option under Supported devices.

Start by opening the configuration of the device in LANconfig and switch to the menu RADIUS → Server and activate the option Auto cleanup user table.

Automatic cleanup of the Accounting Totals table:

The validity period of Public Spot users is tracked in the Accounting Totals table. If this table is full, no further users can be created. It therefore makes sense to automatically clean up this table after expiry, in the same way as the RADIUS user table. This feature is active in the default configuration. However, in existing installations that were originally based on older firmware versions, the feature may still be deactivated.

1) Connect to the web interface of the device and navigate to the menu (Extras) → LCOS Menu Tree → Setup → RADIUS → Server. Then click on Auto-Cleanup-Accounting-Totals.

2) From the drop-down menu for Auto-Cleanup-Accounting-Totals, select the option Yes and click on Send.

If the Accounting Totals table is full, it can be deleted by going to the LCOS menu tree under the path Status → TCP-IP → RADIUS-Server and clicking Delete-Accounting-Total. Please note that this restarts the validity period for all current Public Spot users.

Limiting the absolute validity period of Public Spot users:

Public Spot users have a relative and an absolute validity period. The relative validity period begins after the first time the Public Spot user logs in (default value: 3600 seconds). The absolute validity period is a fixed date (default value: 365 days). If the account goes unused, it only expires after the default setting of 365 days. We therefore recommend that the value for the absolute validity period should be reduced.

1) Customize the absolute validity period for the “Login with name and password” mode:

1.1) Connect to the web interface of the device and navigate to the menu (Extras) → LCOS Menu Tree → Setup → RADIUS → Public-Spot-Module → Add-User-Wizard. Then click on Maximum-Voucher-Validity-Period.

1.2) Under Maximum-Voucher-Validity-Period enter a reasonable maximum value (in this example 14 days) and click on Send.

2) Adjust the absolute expiry for e-mail, SMS, and Login after agreement:

Connect to the device via LANconfig, navigate to the menu Public Spot → Wizard and set Absolute expiry to a reasonable maximum value (in this example 14 days). You can now write the configuration back to the device.

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