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voidconfig.resetConfigToDefault()Revert all changes to the default configuration.
voidconfig.addScriptLine(line: string)Adds the line to the script that is executed on the device.
voidconfig.infoLog(msg: string)Prints the message into the device log within the LMC with log level info.
voidconfig.infoLog(key: string, msg: string)Prints the message into the devicelog with the log key within the LMC with log level info.
voidconfig.warnLog(msg: string)Prints the message into the device log within the LMC with log level warn.
voidconfig.abort(msg: string)Aborts config building, and log the message into the device log within the LMC with log level error.
OutputStreamconfig.createOutputStream()Creates a new standard output stream for strings. (Only supported for OneTimeScripts)
OutputStreamconfig.createOutputStream(key: string)Creates a new output stream for strings. (Only supported for OneTimeScripts)
voidOutputStream.addLine(key: string)Adds a string to the output stream.


stringconfig.getScalarByOid(oid)Returns the value of the given scalar via oid.
stringconfig.getScalarByAlias(alias)Returns the value of the given scalar via alias.
stringconfig.setScalarByOid(oid, value)Sets scalar value (returns old value)
stringconfig.setScalarByAlias(alias, value)Sets scalar value (returns old value)
stringconfig.resetScalarToDefaultByOid(oid);Reset the given scalar via oid to the default configuration value.
stringconfig.resetScalarToDefaultByAlias(alias);Reset the given scalar via alias to the default configuration value.


Tableconfig.getTableByOid(oid: string);Get the Table object via oid.
Tableconfig.getTableByAlias(alias: string);Get the Table object via alias.
List<Row>table.getRows();Get all rows of the Table object.
Rowtable.getRowBySingleIndex(indexValue: string);Get a row index, if it has only one index.
List<Row>table.getRowsByOid(oid: string, value: string);Get rows matching the value value in the column oid.
List<Row>table.getRowsByAlias(alias:string, value:string);Get rows matching the value valuein the column alias.
List<Row>table.getRowsByOids(Map<oid, value>);Get all rows matching all search criteria.
List<Row>table.getRowsByAliases(Map<alias, value>);Get all rows matching all search criteria, using aliases.
Rowtable.getFirstRowByOid(oid, value);Return first matching row via oid.
Rowtable.getFirstRowByAlias(alias, value);Return first matching row via alias
Rowtable.getFirstRowByOids(Map<oid, value>);Get first matching row matching via oid.
Rowtable.getFirstRowByAliases(Map<alias, value>);Get first matching row matchign via aliases
Rowtable.createNewRow();Create a new empty row.
Rowtable.addOrMerge(row)If the index matches a row the row is updated, otherwise the row is added.
booleantable.resetToDefault();Reset the table to the default configuration.


stringrow.getByOid(oid);Get value via oid.
stringrow.getByAlias(alias);Get value via alias.
stringrow.setByOid(oid, value);Set value via oid.
stringrow.setByAlias(oid, value);Set value via alias.
voidrow.setByOids(Map<oid, value>);Set multiple values via oid.
voidrow.setByAliases(Map<alias, value>);Set multiple values via aliases.
Rowrow.addByOid(oid, value);Like setByOid but returns the row for fluent API usage.
Rowrow.addByAlias(alias, value);Like setByAlias but returns the row for fluent API usage.
booleanrow.delete();Delete the row from the table.


voidconfig.excludeByOid(oid: string)Do not write element(s) that match oid filter to the device, e.g. config.excludeByOid("");
voidconfig.excludeByOids(oids: List<string>)Do not write element(s) that match oid filter to the device, e.g. config.excludeByOids(["", "", "1.2.11.*"]);
voidconfig.includeByOid(oid: string)Only write the element(s) matching the oid filter to the device
voidconfig.includeByOids(oids: List<string>)Only write the element(s) matching the oid filter to the device (Note: the include calls do not stack!)

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