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When using the Public Spot with sending the login credentials via E-mail it can be desirable to prevent logins from certain E-mail domains (Blacklist) or to allow logins only from certain domains (Whitelist).

This article describes how the Email domains can be configured and which characteristics have to be considered.


Using the Email domains as a Blacklist:

If logins from certain E-mail domains are to be prevented these have to be entered in the Blacklist.

1) Open the configuration of the device in LANconfig, go to the menu Public-Spot → Email and make sure the option Use domain table as is set to Blacklist

Ex factory the setting Blacklist is used. Without entering Email domains logins from any domain are possible.

2) Go to the menu Email domains

3) Create a new entry and enter a domain which should be blocked (in this example the domain

Repeat this step for additional domains if necessary.

4) The configuration of the Blacklist is complete. Write the configuration back into the device.

Using the Email domains as a Whitelist:

If only logins from certain E-mail domains are to be allowed these have to be entered in the Whitelist.

1) Open the configuration of the device in LANconfig, go to the menu Public-Spot → Email and select the option Whitelist in the drop-downs menu at Use domain table as

Wird die Domain-Tabelle als Whitelist verwendet, aber keine Domain hinterlegt, ist keine Anmeldung möglich!

2) Go to the menu Email domains

3. Erstellen Sie einen neuen Eintrag und hinterlegen eine Domain, welche erlaubt werden soll (in diesem Beispiel die Domain

Wiederholen Sie diesen Schritt gegebenenfalls für weitere Domains.

4. Die Einrichtung der Whitelist ist damit abgeschlossen. Schreiben Sie die Konfiguration in das Gerät zurück.

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