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Entering the ping command at the prompt of a Telnet or SSH connection sends an "ICMP echo request" packet to the target address of the host which is to be checked.

If the receiver supports the protocol and the ping is not filtered by a firewall, the host responds with an "ICMP echo reply". If the target host is unreachable, the last router before the host responds with "network unreachable" or "host unreachable".



The syntax of the ping command is as follows:

ping [-46dfnoqrb] [-s n] [-i n] [-c n] [-x x] [-p ...] [-a ...] [-l ...] destination[%scope] [%scope@rtg-tag] [%%interface] [@rtg-tag]

The meaning of the optional parameters is explained in the following table:

Parameters and their meanings:

-aa.b.c.d Sets the sender address of the ping (default: IP address of the router)
-a INTSets the intranet address of the router as the sender address
-a DMZSets the DMZ address of the router as the sender address
-a LBx

Sets one of the 16 loopback addresses in the LANCOM as the sender address.

Valid values ​​for x are the hexadecimal values ​​0 – f

-a <Interface>Sets the IP address of the corresponding interface as the sender address

Adds a "don't fragment" flag for the ping, so that ping packets won't be fragmented.

Only works with IPv4. When using a DNS name, which can also be resolved via IPv6, the parameter -4 has to be addes as well.


Sends a large number of pings in a short time (flood ping). Useful, for example, to test the network bandwidth.

WARNING: flood ping can easily be misinterpreted as a DoS attack.

-nReturns the computer name of a specified IP address
-qPing command returns no output to the console (quiet)
-rChanges to traceroute mode: The path taken by the data packets to the target computer is displayed with all intermediate stations
-s nSets the packet size to n bytes (max. 1472)
-i nTime between packets in seconds
-c nSend n ping signals
-x x

Controls fragmentation for IPv6 (Atomic Fragments) 

Options: (n)ever, (f)orce, (a)automatic

The equivalent to the parameter -d is represented by the parameter -x n, additionally the parameter -6 should be added

%<scope>Specifies an interface, via which the ping is sent when using a Link-Local address (IPv6 only). 

This parameter allows to specify a distinct source interface. The parameter must be added behind the ping destination and no space must be entered in between. 

Example: ping 


This parameter allows to specify a routing tag for a distinct routing entry, via which the destination can be reached. The parameter must be added behind the ping destination and no space must be entered in between. 

Example: ping 

Target computer address or hostname of the target computer stop /<RETURN> Entering "stop" or pressing the return key
stops the ping command.

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