
LCOS FX 10.13 RC1 is the first Release Candidate, that can also be installed via the online updater instead of having to reinstall the Unified Firewall via the ISO file. It is also possible to perform an update from the Release Candidate to the Release firmware, when it is released.

This article describes the required steps to perform a firmware update to a Release Candidate on a Unified Firewall via the online updater.



1) Open the webinterface of the Unified Firewall and go to the menu Firewall → Updates Settings.

2) Go to the tab Settings and click the "Pencil" icon of the existing update URL to edit the entry.

3) Enter the following URL and click on the check mark to implement the new URL.

Only one URL must be entered. As the Unified Firewall only checks the first URL, otherwise only release versions are displayed.

If you want to perform an update from a Release Candidate to a release firmware, edit the entry for the Update Server and enter the following URL:

If you want to perform an update from a release firmware to a release firmware, edit the entry for the Update Server and enter the following URL:

After making the change, exit the window via the Save button.

4) Go back to the tab Updates and click on the button Refresh Updates List.

5) Select the Release Candidate and click Install.