Click on the Add-ins menu entry on the left navigation panel to reach the Add-ins page. Here, you will find all existing Add-ins and may create new ones.
To create a new Add-in click on the Create new Add-in button.
As Add-ins are written with JavaScript, we need to translate our .lcs script or CLI commands to the correct syntax. Fortunately, there is a helper within the Add-in editor that helps to achieve this with a few steps.
First, open the Add-in you would like to edit or create a new one.
Scriptline and thus script wrapping is only supported for LCOS and LCOS SX as mentioned here.
Now, paste your configuration snippet into the code editor, where mentioned in the script and visible below. You can ignore the JavaScript syntax errors highlighted by the editor.
Make sure your pasted LCOS script is selected/highlighted in the editor and click on the Wrap script button.
The editor now takes each line of the pasted script and wraps it with the correct JavaScript syntax to generate a scriptline script.