This add-in script can be used if you want to install a daily build or a firmware other than the one available in the LMC.
List of used variables:
Add-in code:
/** * @param {Config} config * @param {Context} context * Do not edit this comment or parameter types. Required for code suggestions */ exports.main = function (config, context) {
if (context.device.type.indexOf("device type") >= 0) { // limit execution to one device type (device type = device model as named in sysinfo) config.addScriptLine('sleep 30s'); // important do not change config.addScriptLine('loadfirmware -n -a "source address" https://link-to-firmware-webserver/directory-to-upx-file'); // loadfirmware command + link to upx file }
// example for one device type /** if (context.device.type.indexOf("LANCOM OAP-830") >= 0) { config.addScriptLine('sleep 30s'); config.addScriptLine('loadfirmware -n -a INTRANET'); } */
Add-in as JSON file: