This script creates a client access for the Advanced VPN Client based on the specified information. After executing the script, an .ini
file is offered for download.
Variable | Description |
/** // Function to set Authentication Parameter var addVPNAuth = function (AuthName, LocalAuth, LocalIDType, LocalID, LocalPWD, RemoteAuth, RemoteIDType, RemoteID, RemotePWD) { var TableAUTH = config.getTableByOid(""); var TableAUTH_row = TableAUTH.createNewRow(); TableAUTH_row.setByOid("1", AuthName); TableAUTH_row.setByOid("2", LocalAuth); TableAUTH_row.setByOid("3", LocalIDType); TableAUTH_row.setByOid("4", LocalID); TableAUTH_row.setByOid("5", LocalPWD); TableAUTH_row.setByOid("6", RemoteAuth); TableAUTH_row.setByOid("7", RemoteIDType); TableAUTH_row.setByOid("8", RemoteID); TableAUTH_row.setByOid("9", RemotePWD); TableAUTH.addOrMerge(TableAUTH_row); }; // Function to create IPv4 Address Pool var addVPNPool = function (PoolName, StartAddr, EndAddr, PrimaryDNS) { var TableIPv4Pool = config.getTableByOid(""); var TableIPv4Pool_row = TableIPv4Pool.createNewRow(); TableIPv4Pool_row.setByOid("1", PoolName); TableIPv4Pool_row.setByOid("2", StartAddr); TableIPv4Pool_row.setByOid("3", EndAddr); TableIPv4Pool_row.setByOid("4", PrimaryDNS); TableIPv4Pool.addOrMerge(TableIPv4Pool_row); }; // Function to create VPN Peer var addVPNPeer = function (PeerName, EntryActive, RemoteGW, Auth, IKEcfgMode, IPv4Pool, RuleCreate, VPNRule) { var TableVPNPeer = config.getTableByOid(""); var TableVPNPeer_row = TableVPNPeer.createNewRow(); TableVPNPeer_row.setByOid("1", PeerName); TableVPNPeer_row.setByOid("2", EntryActive); TableVPNPeer_row.setByOid("4", RemoteGW); TableVPNPeer_row.setByOid("7", Auth); TableVPNPeer_row.setByOid("10", IKEcfgMode); TableVPNPeer_row.setByOid("18", IPv4Pool); TableVPNPeer_row.setByOid("11", RuleCreate); TableVPNPeer_row.setByOid("12", VPNRule); TableVPNPeer.addOrMerge(TableVPNPeer_row); }; // Variables var clientOS = context.vars.V1_clientOS; // Operating System of the Client PC (only affects .ini file) var peer = context.vars.V2_vpnPeer; // Name of the VPN Peer var wanIp = context.vars.V3_wanIP; // Public IP-Address of the VPN Gateway var pwd = Math.random().toString(36).slice(-8); // Randomly generated Password var poolStart = context.vars.V4_IPv4firstAddress; // First Address of IPv4 Address Pool var poolEnd = context.vars.V5_IPv4lastAddress; // Last Address of IPv4 Address Pool var poolDNS = context.vars.V6_IPv4Nameserver; // Nameserver of IPv4 Address Pool var splitTunnelIp = context.vars.V7_SplitTunnelingIP; // Split Tunneling IP Address (only affects .ini file) var splitTunnelMask = context.vars.V8_SplitTunnelingNetmask; // Split Tunneling Netmask (only affects .ini file) // Global Configuration config.setScalarByOid("", "1"); // Set VPN to Operating config.setScalarByOid("", "1"); // Accept IPSec-over-HTTPS config.setScalarByOid("", "1"); // Activate Proxy ARP var outputStream = config.createOutputStream(); var vpnINI = config.createOutputStream(peer + '.ini'); // Peer Configuration addVPNAuth(peer, "PSK", "Email-Address", peer + "@intern", pwd, "PSK", "Email-Address", peer + "@intern", pwd); var tablePool = config.getTableByOid(""); var row = tablePool.getFirstRowByOids({ "2": poolStart }) || tablePool.getFirstRowByOids({ "3": poolEnd }); if (row) { // IPv4 Pool = true var pool = row.getByOid("1"); addVPNPeer(peer, "1", "", peer, "2", pool, "1", "RAS-WITH-CONFIG-PAYLOAD"); } else { // IPv4-Pool != true addVPNPool(peer + "-Pool", poolStart, poolEnd, poolDNS); addVPNPeer(peer, "1", "", peer, "2", peer + "-Pool", "1", "RAS-WITH-CONFIG-PAYLOAD"); } outputStream.addLine('Die VPN-Verbindung konnte erfolgreich angelegt werden.'); outputStream.addLine('Bitte laden Sie die Datei .ini herunter und importieren Sie diese in den Advanced VPN-Client.'); // Creation of INI-File vpnINI.addLine("[PROFILE1]"); vpnINI.addLine("Name=" + peer); if (clientOS == "windows") { vpnINI.addLine("ConnMedia=21"); } else if (clientOS == "mac") { vpnINI.addLine("ConnMedia=8"); } vpnINI.addLine("ConnMode=0"); vpnINI.addLine("SeamRoaming=1"); vpnINI.addLine("PriVoIP=1"); vpnINI.addLine("Gateway=" + wanIp); vpnINI.addLine("PFS=14"); vpnINI.addLine("UseComp=0"); vpnINI.addLine("IkeIdType=3"); vpnINI.addLine("IkeIdStr=" + peer + "@intern"); vpnINI.addLine("Secret=" + pwd); vpnINI.addLine("UseXAUTH=0"); vpnINI.addLine("IpAddrAssign=0"); vpnINI.addLine("IkeDhGroup=14"); vpnINI.addLine("ExchMode=34"); vpnINI.addLine("IKEv2Auth=2"); vpnINI.addLine("IKEv2Policy=WIZ-AES256-SHA256"); vpnINI.addLine("IPSEC-Policy=WIZ-AES256-SHA256"); if (splitTunnelIp && splitTunnelMask) { vpnINI.addLine("Network1=" + splitTunnelIp); vpnINI.addLine("SubMask1=" + splitTunnelMask); } vpnINI.addLine("[IKEV2POLICY1]"); vpnINI.addLine("Ikev2Name=WIZ-AES256-SHA256"); vpnINI.addLine("Ikev2Crypt=6"); vpnINI.addLine("Ikev2PRF=5"); vpnINI.addLine("Ikev2IntAlgo=12"); vpnINI.addLine("[IPSECPOLICY1]"); vpnINI.addLine("IPSecName=WIZ-AES256-SHA256"); vpnINI.addLine("IpsecCrypt=6"); vpnINI.addLine("IpsecAuth=5"); }; |