
The LANCOM Management Cloud has a roles- and rights system. This allows users with different rights to operate the LANCOM Management Cloud. The different user roles and rights are explained in this document. They are based on the organizational and project level.

Role at organizational level

Organization administrator

The organization administrator can create several projects for his organization and manage the organization.

Once he has created a project, he is assigned the role of a project administrator in it. The organization administrator is usually an employee of the LANCOM partner.

Organisation observer

The organisation observer has no administrative rights, only read access to organisation information. They can see all projects and devices as well as properties of the organisation. Other users of the organisation and the log view cannot be viewed.

The organisation observer is usually an employee of the LANCOM partner who is to be given administrative access to the organisation's projects via user inheritance.

Roles at project level

Project administrator

The project administrator has all rights within the corresponding project.

A project administrator is usually an employee of the partner, but it is also conceivable that an employee of the end customer works as project administrator.

Technical administrator

The technical administrator can

Unlike the project administrator, however, the technical administrator does not have the authority to manage or invite new project users and cannot modify project information and project properties. The role of technical administrator is usually assigned to an employee of the end client.

Project member

The project member can

This user role cannot modify project information and project properties and has no access to log data. The project member is usually a support staff member of a larger partner, who is responsible for a quick resolution at the customer's site.

Rollout assistant

Users who have been assigned the role of rollout assistant can use the LMC rollout app

While the Rollout Assistant role can also create and modify user-specific dashboard content for its own user account, the role was not actually designed to operate the LMC configuration interface. It has been created exclusively to be used in the LMC rollout app and communicates only with the APIs of the LMC.

Hotspot Operator

The hotspot operator role has exclusive access to the hotspot portal within theĀ  LANCOM Management Cloud.

In the hotspot portal, the hotspot operator can create and download vouchers for the projects assigned to him as well as customize user-specific contents of his own user account.

Project observer

The project observer does not have any administrative rights but has read-only access to device and project defaults. Device and project logs cannot be viewed either.

However, he is able to create and modify user-specific dashboard content for his own user account.