
This article describes how an ePaper server can be connected to Office 365 using modern authentication in order to show appointments in Office 365 on ePaper displays.



1) Preparation in Microsoft Azure:

Access to Office 365 is implemented in the background via Microsoft Azure, so whenever the system uses Office 365, it also needs access to Microsoft Azure. Some settings must be made in Microsoft Azure in order for the ePaper server to connect to Office 365.

1.1) Use the following link to log into Microsoft Azure.

1.2) Select the Office 365 administrator account and log in. 

1.3) Under App registrations click on New registration to connect an application to Azure.

1.4) Modify the following parameters and then click Register:

1.5) In the Overview, copy the Application (client) ID and save it in a text file for later use.

1.6) Switch to the tab Certificates & secrets and click on New client secret to generate a key for communicating with Office 365.

1.7) Modify the following parameters and then click Add:

After the validity expires, a new key must be created and stored in the Python scripts (see steps 2.2 and 2.3).

1.8) Copy the Secret key (value) and save it in a text file for later use. 

The secret key must be copied at this time, as this is subsequently no longer possible. In this case the key must be deleted and a new one created.

1.9) Change to the API permissions tab and click on Add a permission.

1.10) Click on Microsoft Graph.

1.11) Choose Delegated permissions.

1.12) Select the following permissions and then click Add permissions:

1.13) The permissions should appear as shown below.

1.14) This concludes the preparations in Microsoft Azure.

2) Adapting the supplied script files:

For the connection to work, the login data has to be stored in the Python scripts and information about the ePaper server has to be stored in the configuration file. Furthermore, the ePaper template has to be copied to the installation directory of the ePaper server, unless you use a customized template.

To do this, download the file in the attachment ePaper-Office and unzip it.

2.1) Copy the ePaper template into the installation directory of the ePaper server:

Skip this step if you are already using a customized template.

Copy the ePaper template lcsconference_landscape.xsl and add this to the installation directory of the ePaper server in the folder data → template.

2.2) Adapting the file “”:

Edit the file in a text editor and, under credentials, add the Application ID (client) copied in step 1.5 and the Secret key (value) copied in step 1.8.

The login data must be entered in single quotes, as shown in the screenshot.

2.3) Adapting the file “” or “”:

Edit the file or in a text editor and adjust the following parameters:

One of the following scripts is used: or

  • always shows the next appointment, even if it is not until the next day.
  • only shows appointments on the same day.

The login data and the time zone must be entered in single quotes, as shown in the screenshot.

2.4) Adapting the file “config.json”:

2.4.1) Edit the file config.json and modify the following parameters:

The parameters must be entered in closing quotation marks, as shown in the screenshot.

2.4.2) When using multiple ePaper displays, for each display the selected area in the displays section must be copied and pasted immediately below. The section for each ePaper display has to be separated by a comma from the section for the next display below. The parameters for the other displays must be adapted as described in step 2.4.1.

2.4.3) For two ePaper displays, see the displays section appears as follows.

3) Final steps in the Windows Power Shell on the system with the ePaper server: 

Open the folder containing the Python scripts, open the context menu by right-clicking while holding down the <shift key>, and select Open PowerShell window here.

3.1) Installing the Python modules for Office 365: 

Enter the following command: pip install o365

3.2) Installing the ExchangeOnlineManagement module:

3.2.1) Enter the following command: Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement

3.2.2) Confirm the query Do you want PowerShellGet to install and import the NuGet provider now? with Y (Yes).

3.2.3) Confirm the prompt Are you sure you want to install the modules from 'PSGallery'? with Y (Yes).

3.3) Importing the ExchangeOnlineManagement module:

To do this, enter the following command: Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement

3.4) Registering the Office 365 administrator account on the ExchangeOnline module:

3.4.1) Enter the command for registering in the following format: Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName <>

Set the <> as the e-mail address of the Office 365 administrator account.

3.4.2) In the web browser pop-up window, log into the Administrator account.

The popup window is only displayed correctly if the web browser supports JavaScript.

3.5) Displaying the organizer and the subject on the ePaper Displays:

To register, enter the command in the following format: Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity <> -DeleteSubject $False -AddOrganizerToSubject $False

Set the <> as the e-mail address of the calender mailbox.

3.6) Generating a token for authenticating the mailbox proxy:

3.6.1) Enter the following command: python 

3.6.2) Copy the link under Visit the following url to give consent: and enter it into a web browser.

3.6.3) Log in using the account for the calendar mailbox.

3.6.4) After logging in, copy the link from the web browser.

3.6.5) Paste the link into PowerShell. Successful authentication is acknowledged with the message Authenticated!

3.8) Starting the ePaper update script:

Enter one of the following commands (see also step 2.3): python .\config.json -i 3 -u required or python .\config.json -i 3 -u required

The parameter -i stands for the update interval in minutes. In this example, the ePaper server searches for updates every 3 minutes. However, an update is only rolled out to the ePaper displays if there is actually a change.