
The way that a device operates is determined by its configuration. The configuration is defined by the user and stored to a special portion of the flash memory that remains intact even when the device is restarted (configuration memory).

When shipped, the configuration memory is empty because it does not yet have a user-defined configuration. Once in operation, the configuration memory can be deleted again by carrying out a configuration reset. If a device with an empty configuration memory is restarted or rebooted, the parameter values are taken from a boot configuration containing default values for the respective model.

A configuration is only written to the configuration memory if at least one parameter has been changed. The full configuration is written to the configuration memory. Even if only the device name is changed, current values for all of the parameters available to the device are stored to the user-defined configuration. Values for unchanged parameters are taken from a boot configuration.



LANCOM devices can make use of three different boot configurations:
  • LANCOM factory settings: These are the default values for the model as shipped, i.e. the LANCOM standard. The standard boot configuration is contained in the device's firmware.
  • Customer-specific standard settings: These are the customer's own standard settings for the model in question. These are used when the configuration memory is empty but the LANCOM default settings should not be used. This function provides LANCOM devices with persistent settings (i.e. remaining available however many times the device is rebooted or reset) that contain customer-specific standard settings for the boot procedure. Customer-specific standard settings are not deleted by a configuration reset. Customer-specific standard settings are stored to the first boot memory space.
  • Rollout configuration: This configuration is useful for large-scale rollout scenarios where multiple devices need a boot configuration that differs from the LANCOM default configuration. The rollout configuration is activated by pressing the reset key for a particular length of time. The specialized rollout configuration is stored to the second boot memory space.

Using the boot configuration:

When started normally, the LANCOM devices try to use the available configurations in a set order:
  • User-defined configuration (in the configuration memory)
  • Customer-specific standard settings (in the first boot memory space)
  • LANCOM factory settings (in firmware)

Special features of the rollout configuration:

The customer-specific standard settings are taken automatically and in preference to the LANCOM factory settings, assuming that the configuration memory is empty. The rollout configuration is activated with the reset button. The reset button fulfills various functions depending upon how long the button is pressed:

  • Less than 5 seconds: Boot (restart), where by the user-defined configuration is loaded from the configuration memory. If the user-defined configuration is empty, then the customer-specific standard settings (first memory space) are loaded instead. The loading of the customer-specific standard settings is visible when all LEDs on the device light up briefly in red. Similarly, the LANCOM factory settings are loaded if the first memory space is empty.
  • Longer than 5 seconds until the first time that all device LEDs light up: Configuration reset (deletes the configuration memory) followed by a restart. In this case the customer-specific standard settings (first memory space) are loaded instead. The loading of the customer-specific standard settings is visible when all LEDs on the device light up briefly in red. The LANCOM factory settings are loaded if the first memory space is empty.
  • Longer than 15 seconds until the second time that all device LEDs light up: Activating the rollout configuration and deleting the user-defined configuration After restarting, the rollout configuration is started from the second memory space. The loading of the rollout configuration is visible when all LEDs on the device light up twice briefly in red. The LANCOM factory settings are loaded if the second memory space is empty.

The rollout configuration is activated directly after restarting if the reset button is pressed for more than 15 seconds. The next time the device is restarted, the normal boot sequence applies again automatically (user-defined configuration, customer-specific standard settings, LANCOM factory settings).

If the reset button has been deactivated in the configuration (set to 'Ignore' or 'Boot only'), it is impossible to load the rollout configuration.

The following diagram illustrates which configuration is loaded by the different reset procedures, depending on the status of the device.


  • If the button is pressed for less than 5 seconds, the user-defined configuration is loaded. If this is not available, then the customer-specific standard settings are loaded. If this is not available then the LANCOM factory settings are loaded.
  • If the reset button is pressed for more than 15 seconds the user-defined configuration is deleted. If this is not available then the rollout configuration is loaded. if the rollout configuration is not available then the LANCOM factory settings are loaded.

Save, upload and delete the boot configurations:


The customer-specific standard settings and the rollout configuration are saved in a compressed format. Using the command line, you can optionally save the current device configuration as your customer-specific standard settings or as a rollout configuration. Use one of the following commands for this:

  • bootconfig --savecurrent [1,2,all] or
  • bootconfig -s [1,2,all]

Entering the appropriate number ensures that either the first boot memory space for the customer-specific standard settings is selected, or the second boot memory space for the rollout configuration. The parameter all writes the current configuration to both memory spaces at the same time.


The customer-specific standard settings or the rollout configuration can be uploaded to the device with WEBconfig under Extras > File management > Upload configuration : Here you select the configuration file to be used and you activate the purpose as either customer-specific standard settings (first memory space) and/or rollout configuration. Alternative boot configurations must be available as *.lcf files.

If both memory spaces of the boot configuration are occupied (i.e. with customer-specific standard settings and a rollout configuration), then the device cannot be reset to the factory settings by using the reset button. Instead, reset a device as described under Firmware upload via outband with reset of the configuration.

For devices that only allow one boot configuration, the restriction described above does not apply. The reset button always resets these devices to their factory settings.

If the configuration file is encrypted, enter the appropriate password.

By means of the command line function, the current device configuration can be saved as customer-specific standard settings or as a rollout configuration. Use the following command for this:

  • bootconfig --savecurrent [1,2, all] or
  • bootconfig -s [1,2, all]

Entering the appropriate number ensures that either the first boot memory space for the customer-specific standard settings is selected, or the second boot memory space for the rollout configuration. The parameter "all" writes the current configuration to both memory spaces at the same time.


The alternative and the special boot configurations cannot be deleted with the normal file functions. Use the
following command for this:

  • bootconfig --remove [1,2, all] or
  • bootconfig -r [1,2, all]

Selecting the appropriate number ensures that the corresponding boot memory space is selected. The parameter "all" causes both memory spaces to be deleted at once.