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Ethernet and WLAN interfaces always have their own MAC address. If a notebook is connected to an access point / WLAN router via WLAN, the MAC address of the WLAN interface of the access point / WLAN router can be viewed in the operating system (in this example, Windows). For LANCOM access points with LCOS LX, the MAC address of the LAN interface can be calculated using the WLAN MAC address. This can be helpful if it is unclear which access point the notebook is connected to.

This article describes how to use the WLAN MAC address to calculate the LAN MAC address of the first Ethernet interface of a LANCOM access point with LCOS LX.


  • Access to the command line in Windows
  • Separate LANCOM access point or router for access via LL2M (optional)


1) Reading the WLAN MAC address in Windows:

Open the Windows command line and enter the command netsh wlan show interfaces

The MAC address of the WLAN interface of the access point / WLAN router is displayed as BSSID.

2) Calculating the LAN MAC address:

The LAN MAC address is calculated according to the following scheme.

Frequency bandLAN-MAC address
2.4 GHzWLAN-MAC-Address - 3
5 GHzWLAN-MAC-Address - 2
6 GHzWLAN-MAC-Address - 4


  • A notebook is connected to the access point via 5 GHz.
  • The access point in the 5 GHz band has the WLAN MAC address 00:a0:57:80:29:16.
  • This results in the LAN MAC address 00:a0:57:80:29:14.

3) Connect to the access point via LL2M (optional):

Using LL2M, it is possible to establish an SSH connection to the access point using the calculated LAN MAC address (command in the format ll2mexec -i<Interface><User> :<Password> @<MAC-address>), which can be used to read out further information. This requires a separate router or access point from which to initiate the connection. Further information on LL2M can be found in the following Knowledge Base articles:

The operating principle and use of the LANCOM Layer-2 Management protocol (LL2M) under LCOS

The operating principle and use of the LANCOM Layer-2 Management protocol (LL2M) under LCOS LX

Useful information in the SSH session

The serial number of the access point is shown under SN.

The command ls status/ip-configuration/addresses reads out the IP address of the access point.