/** * @param {Config} config * @param {Context} context * * Do not edit this comment or parameter types. Required for code suggestions. */ exports.main = function (config, context) { const fwVersion = context.device.firmwareVersionObject; const ufApi = config.getUfApi(); // VPN Configvariables const localNetworkName = "" ; //Name of the IP Network on the Firewall const localIPNetwork = "" ; //LAN IP Address Range of the Network on the Firewall const localVPNIdentity = "" ; // VPN Identity on the Unified Firewall const remoteGatewayAddress = "" ; // WAN Address of the Remote VPN Gateway const remoteIPNetwork = "" ; // LAN IP Address Range of the Remote VPN Gateway const remoteVPNIdentity = "" ; // VPN Identity of the Remote VPN Gateway const vpnConnectionName = "" ; // Name of the VPN Connection on the Unified Firewall const vpnPassword = "" ; // VPN Password on the Unified Firewall and the Remote VPN Gateway
if (fwVersion.major !== 10 || fwVersion.minor !== 13 || fwVersion.build !== 7038 ) { config.warnLog( "Add-In was originally created for an LCOS FX 10.13.7038RU6 API, but " + "it is being applied to an LCOS FX " + context.device.firmwareVersionString + " device. It might not work as expected." ); } // Activate IPSec Settings ufApi.modifySettings( 'ipsec-settings' , { "active" : true , } ); // Create IPSecConnection ufApi.createObject( 'ipsec-connections' , { "name" : vpnConnectionName, "localAddresses" : [], "remoteAddresses" : [remoteGatewayAddress], "profile" : ufApi.lookupField( "ipsec-security-profiles" , "uniqueId" , { "name" : "LANCOM LCOS Default IKEv2" }), "localAuth" : { "method" : "psk" , "dataPsk" : vpnPassword, "dataCert" : "" , "dataCa" : "" , "id" : localVPNIdentity }, "remoteAuth" : { "method" : "psk" , "dataPsk" : vpnPassword, "dataCert" : "" , "dataCa" : "" , "id" : remoteVPNIdentity, "authMethodRound2" : "none" }, "localNetworkNames" : [ localIPNetwork ], "remoteNetworks" : [ remoteIPNetwork ], "pool" : "" , "initiate" : true , "ike2CompatTunnels" : true , "forceUdpEncap" : false , "xfrmInterface" : true , "xfrmInterfaceMtu" : 1400 , "trafficGroup" : "" , "outgoingDscp" : null , "active" : true , "keyPassword" : "********" , "networkConnection" : ufApi.lookupField( "connections" , "uniqueId" , { "name" : "WAN" }) } ); // Create a VPN Network ufApi.createObject( 'vpnnetworks' , { "name" : vpnConnectionName, "ipv4" : "" , "interface" : "vpn" , "color" : 7891540 , "layer" : 0 , "top" : 111 , "left" : 222 , "icon" : "vpn-network" , "type" : "vpnnetwork" , "vpnconnection" : { "type" : "ipsec" , "connectionid" : ufApi.lookupField( "ipsec-connections" , "uniqueId" , { "name" : vpnConnectionName }), "networkType" : "all" , "networks" : [] }, "description" : "" , "tags" : [] } ); // Create Routing Rule ufApi.createObject( 'routing-rules' , { "priority" : 514 , "selectorSourceIpv4address" : "" , "selectorDestinationIpv4address" : remoteIPNetwork, "selectorInputInterface" : null , "selectorOutputInterface" : null , "selectorTos" : 0 , "actionGoto" : null , "actionTable" : 514 , "systemRule" : false } ); // Create Routing Table ufApi.createObject( 'routing-tables' , { "table" : 514 , "ipv4Routes" : [ { "ipv4DestAddress" : remoteIPNetwork, "ipv4Nexthops" : [ { "ipv4GatewayAddress" : "" , "interface" : "xfrm1" , "weight" : 0 } ], "active" : true , "ipv4PrefsrcAddress" : "" , "metric" : 0 , "systemRoute" : false , "type" : "unicast" } ] } ); // Lookup of Objects for the new Desktop Connection var objectA = ufApi.lookup( 'networks' , { name: localNetworkName }); var objectB = ufApi.lookup( 'vpnnetworks' , { name: vpnConnectionName }); // Create new Desktop Connection ufApi.createObject( "desktop-connections" , desktopConnection( objectA, objectB, [ predefinedService( "internet.http" , "none" , "both" ), predefinedService( "internet.https" , "none" , "both" ), predefinedService( "standard.ssh" , "none" , "both" ), predefinedService( "standard.icmp" , "none" , "both" ), predefinedService( "standard.ping" , "none" , "both" ) ] )); // Enable SSH Access via VPN ufApi.modifySettings( 'ssh-settings' , { "active" : true , "port" : 22 , "passwordAuth" : true , "sshKeys" : [], "accessList" : [ { "source" : "LAN" , "active" : true , "readOnly" : true , "comment" : "LAN_LABEL" , "uniqueId" : "\u0002/model/ssh-settings\u0005accessList[?(@.source==\"LAN\")].uniqueId\u0003" }, { "source" : "WAN" , "active" : false , "readOnly" : true , "comment" : "WAN_LABEL" , "uniqueId" : "\u0002/model/ssh-settings\u0005accessList[?(@.source==\"WAN\")].uniqueId\u0003" }, { "source" : "VPN" , "active" : true , "readOnly" : true , "comment" : "VPN_LABEL" , "uniqueId" : "\u0002/model/ssh-settings\u0005accessList[?(@.source==\"VPN\")].uniqueId\u0003" }, { "source" : "" , "active" : false , "readOnly" : false , "comment" : "LANCOM Customer Support 1" , "uniqueId" : "8a9a8cb1-b554-460c-9049-5fefc29563f1" }, { "source" : "" , "active" : false , "readOnly" : false , "comment" : "LANCOM Customer Support 2" , "uniqueId" : "f8936fcb-d074-4e91-bb75-86308156d46c" }, { "source" : "" , "active" : false , "readOnly" : false , "comment" : "LANCOM Customer Support 3" , "uniqueId" : "dd32c120-d326-404a-91c0-15aa8407f841" }, { "source" : "" , "active" : false , "readOnly" : false , "comment" : "Rohde & Schwarz Internet Gateway" , "uniqueId" : "93615715-27f9-4013-af17-b228efe7158d" }, { "comment" : "Private Networks Class C" , "active" : true , "source" : "" , "readOnly" : false , "uniqueId" : "7697e59d-544d-49ec-8012-7cb94e037fde" }, { "comment" : "Private Networks Class B" , "active" : true , "source" : "" , "readOnly" : false , "uniqueId" : "427030a5-61a8-46e4-beed-751c9c032538" }, { "comment" : "Private Network Class A" , "active" : true , "source" : "" , "readOnly" : false , "uniqueId" : "7d6e12be-0c17-449d-a501-81d36e53eb47" } ] } ); // Enable Webinterface Access via VPN ufApi.modifySettings( 'webclient-settings' , { "port" : 3438 , "serverCertUid" : ufApi.lookupField( "certificates" , "uniqueId" , { "commonName" : "LCOS FX Default Webserver Certificate" }), "accessList" : [ { "source" : "LAN" , "active" : true , "readOnly" : true , "comment" : "LAN_LABEL" , "uniqueId" : "\u0002/model/webclient-settings\u0005accessList[?(@.source==\"LAN\")].uniqueId\u0003" }, { "source" : "WAN" , "active" : false , "readOnly" : true , "comment" : "WAN_LABEL" , "uniqueId" : "\u0002/model/webclient-settings\u0005accessList[?(@.source==\"WAN\")].uniqueId\u0003" }, { "source" : "VPN" , "active" : true , "readOnly" : true , "comment" : "VPN_LABEL" , "uniqueId" : "\u0002/model/webclient-settings\u0005accessList[?(@.source==\"VPN\")].uniqueId\u0003" }, { "source" : "" , "active" : false , "readOnly" : false , "comment" : "LANCOM Customer Support 1" , "uniqueId" : "3b4eebb3-7b59-4ce4-9f6c-5ef0575de167" }, { "source" : "" , "active" : false , "readOnly" : false , "comment" : "LANCOM Customer Support 2" , "uniqueId" : "309031d8-bc4d-448f-94c7-cd62a6beb1a7" }, { "source" : "" , "active" : false , "readOnly" : false , "comment" : "LANCOM Customer Support 3" , "uniqueId" : "082b2264-d0d9-496a-9baa-6673d52cc195" }, { "source" : "" , "active" : false , "readOnly" : false , "comment" : "Rohde & Schwarz Internet Gateway" , "uniqueId" : "a158e8b6-02a2-4ec1-959c-8c6c7cfe6436" }, { "comment" : "Private Networks Class C" , "active" : true , "source" : "" , "readOnly" : false , "uniqueId" : "7725546c-5fca-43f2-8a05-37ee5b0d8aaa" }, { "comment" : "Private Networks Class B" , "active" : true , "source" : "" , "readOnly" : false , "uniqueId" : "0b226af3-bd03-478a-bd2b-70becd8faba3" }, { "comment" : "Private Network Class A" , "active" : true , "source" : "" , "readOnly" : false , "uniqueId" : "8edf833b-ded7-4618-8493-2d70c97b90fb" } ] } ); // Functions function desktopConnection(obja, objb, rules) { const connectionDefinition = { "objb" : objb, "appfilterRoutingProfiles" : [], "description" : "" , "color" : 1562591 , "rules" : rules, "obja" : obja, "natactive" : "left" , "snatip" : localIPNetwork, "dmz" : true , "dmzip" : localIPNetwork, "points" : [{ "x" : 1350 , "type" : "linepoint" , "y" : 222 }, { "x" : 1350 , "type" : "rulepoint" , "y" : 282 }, { "x" : 1320 , "type" : "linepoint" , "y" : 338 }], "blockall" : false , "trafficshaping" : [], "webfiltersettings" : [], "applicationfilter" : { "mode" : "off" , "activeprofiles" : [] } }; if (fwVersion.major === 10 && fwVersion.minor >= 8 ) { delete connectionDefinition.trafficshaping; connectionDefinition.trafficShaping = { "trafficGroup" : "" , "outgoingDscp" : null }; } return connectionDefinition; } function userdefinedService(serviceName, natactive, action, externalIP) { return service( ufApi.lookup( "userdefined-services" , { name: serviceName }), natactive, action, true , externalIP ); } function predefinedService(serviceName, natactive, action, externalIP) { return service( ufApi.lookup( "predefined-services" , { name: serviceName }), natactive, action, false , externalIP ); } function service(lookup, natactive, action, editable, externalIP) { const serviceDefinition = { "uniqueId" : lookup, "dmz" : false , //"dmz": true, //"dmzport": mapPort, "dmzip" : externalIP, "natactive" : natactive, "editable" : editable, "timeranges" : [{ "endweekday" : 0 , "repeattype" : "weekly" , "endtime" : "23:59:59" , "starttime" : "00:00:00" , "startweekday" : 0 }, { "endweekday" : 1 , "repeattype" : "weekly" , "endtime" : "23:59:59" , "starttime" : "00:00:00" , "startweekday" : 1 }, { "endweekday" : 2 , "repeattype" : "weekly" , "endtime" : "23:59:59" , "starttime" : "00:00:00" , "startweekday" : 2 }, { "endweekday" : 3 , "repeattype" : "weekly" , "endtime" : "23:59:59" , "starttime" : "00:00:00" , "startweekday" : 3 }, { "endweekday" : 4 , "repeattype" : "weekly" , "endtime" : "23:59:59" , "starttime" : "00:00:00" , "startweekday" : 4 }, { "endweekday" : 5 , "repeattype" : "weekly" , "endtime" : "23:59:59" , "starttime" : "00:00:00" , "startweekday" : 5 }, { "endweekday" : 6 , "repeattype" : "weekly" , "endtime" : "23:59:59" , "starttime" : "00:00:00" , "startweekday" : 6 }], "action" : action, "trafficshaping" : [], "log" : false , "applicationfilter" : { "useconnection" : true , "activeprofiles" : [] } }; if (fwVersion.major === 10 && fwVersion.minor >= 7 ) { serviceDefinition.useConnection = true ; } if (fwVersion.major === 10 && fwVersion.minor >= 8 ) { delete serviceDefinition.trafficshaping; serviceDefinition.useConnectionTrafficShaping = false ; serviceDefinition.trafficShaping = { "trafficGroup" : "" , "outgoingDscp" : null }; } return serviceDefinition; } };