By default, LMC networks are rolled out to the ETH1 interface of the LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewall. As an alternative, the networks can be assigned to a specific interface either globally for all Unified Firewalls in the LMC project or only to a specific Unified Firewall.
1) Global interface assignment of LMC networks to all Unified Firewalls:
When a system variable is created, it applies globally to all matching devices. The assignment of the variable can also be limited to specific devices if necessary (see step 2).
In order to limit a system variable to specific devices, the variable first has to be created globally. It is not necessary to enter a value for the variable though.
1.1) Connect to the LMC and open the menu Add-ins.
1.2) Click on System variables.
1.3) Click on Add system variable.
1.4) Click on the dropdown menu and select the desired interface (in this example UF_ETH3_NETWORKS).
1.5) Enter the internal configuration name of the network in the field Value. Click Save afterwards.
Each network can only be configured on one ETH interface!
- Please note that you use the internal configuration names of the respective networks.
- Multiple networks must be separated with a semicolon without additional spaces (e.g. INTRA;NETWORK1;NETWORK2).
2) Limit the interface assignment of the LMC network to a specific Unified Firewall:
The following steps require, that the system variable was created (see step 1). It is not necessary to enter a value for the variable though.
2.1) Open the menu Devices in the LMC.
2.2) Click on the name of the Unified Firewall, to open the device settings.
2.3) Change to the tab Variables and click on Add variables.
2.4) Select the interface used in step 1.4 and click Add.