Description: This document describes the necessary steps to determine the cause of a LANCOM router's unexpected system reboot.
Procedure: Causes of a system restart, apart from manual rebooting or a problem with the power supply, may be an internal problem detected by the router. If this is the case, the router will restore its operating state by restarting. After rebooting, you can determine the cause by accessing the device's boot log.
Recording the bootlog via the CLI: Start a SSH session on the device and enter the command show bootlog: The boot log in this screen shot shows that no errors have occurred since the last boot. A manual system reboot would be listed here as "System boot after manual boot request". After an error is detected, the output may include an "LCOS watchdog", an error message from the operating system. For example:
9/12/2006 12:54:50 LCOS-Watchdog Task name = CT
Type=Com-Handle not released Code=0x00000013 Task=0x005caac0 Nest=0x00000000
Recording the bootlog via the LANtracer: LANCOM Systems recommends using LANconfig as of version 10.20 RU3 ( download latest version) since additional information for error analysis has been implemented. 1. Open the configuration of the LANCOM router or access point and switch to the menu item Management → Admin → Ports. 2. Make sure that the protocol TELNET-SSL is active and the Port is set to 992. 3. Switch to the menu item Management → Admin → Access settings → Access rights and change the access rights for the protocol TELNET-SSL if necessary. 4. Select the router in LANconfig, perform a rightclick and choose Create Trace output in the pop-up menu. 5. In the trace module click the green play symbol. The bootlog is recorded automatically. 6. Click the red stop symbol to stop the trace. 7. Click on the disk symbol to save the trace (*lct file) as well as the support configuration (*spf file). The watchdog output is usually cryptic and requires analysis by the experts at LANCOM Systems. For error analysis, please contact LANCOM Support. For diagnosis we require the full-length boot log as a text file and also the device's configuration file. Please send a text file containing the boot log or the trace file together with the device configuration file to LANCOM Systems Support. |