
This script can be used to manipulate the IPv4 octet.

List of used variables:


Add-in code:

 * @param {Config} config
 * @param {Context} context
 * Do not edit this comment or parameter types. Required for code suggestions
exports.main = function (config, context) {
    // Example 1: manually change an octet
    var myIp = config.vars.myIP; // myIp = ""
    var octs = myIp.split(".");  // octs = ["192","168", "1", "1"]
    octs[3] = "33";              // octs = ["192","168", "1", "33"]
    var newIp = octs.join(".");  // newIp = ""

    // Example 2: use a function to set a specific octet to a value
    var setOct = function (ip, oct, value) {
        var octs = ip.split(".");
        octs[oct] = value;
        return octs.join(".");

    var inputIp = ""
    var gatewayIp = setOct(inputIp, 3, 1); // ""
    var switchIp = setOct(inputIp, 3, 65); // ""

    // Example 3: use a function to increment an octet value by a given value
    var incrOct = function (ip, oct, value) {
        var octs = ip.split(".");
        var oldValue = parseInt(octs[oct]);
        if (oldValue + value <= 255) {
            // don't go above 255
            octs[oct] = "" + (oldValue + value);
        return octs.join(".");

    var inputIp = ""
    var switchIp = incrOct(inputIp, 3, 2); //

Add-in as JSON file:
