Mit diesem Add-in-Skript können Sie IP-Adressen, Bereiche oder Netzwerke konfigurieren, auf welche nicht zugegriffen werden darf.
Add-in Code:
/** * @param {Config} config * @param {Context} context * Do not edit this comment or parameter types. Required for code suggestions */ exports.main = function (config, context) { var fwVersion = context.device.firmwareVersionObject; var ufApi = config.getUfApi(); var blockAddresses = function () { ufApi.raw({ method: 'PUT' , uri: '/model/blocked-ips-settings/' , body: { "blockedAddresses" : [ // Fill with ip-addresses, ip-networks or ip-ranges as the example below "" , "" , "" ] }, failOnError: false })
if (fwVersion.major < 11 ) { if (fwVersion.major == 10 && fwVersion.minor >= 13 && fwVersion.patch >= 6915 ) { blockAddresses(); } else { config.warnLog( "The current installed FirmwareVersion does not support the BlockedAddresses Script." ) } } else { blockAddresses(); } };
Add-in als JSON-Datei: